Analytical and Computational Methods in Electromagnetics
Ramesh Garg

This book allows one to achieve optimal microwave system performance by mastering the principles and methods underlying today’s powerful computational tools and commercial software in electromagnetics. It offers clear and complete explanations of electromagnetics, providing the analytical background needed to understand such key approaches as MoM (Method of Moments), FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) and FEM (Finite Element Method), and Green’s functions. This book includes all math necessary to master the material plus numerous solved problems that help ensure the understanding of key concepts throughout the book. It also includes time-saving Matlab® source code for the problems presented in the book that can be easily modified to help solve similar problems in the field.
To order this book, contact:
Artech House • 685 Canton St. • Norwood, MA 02062 • (781) 769-9750 ext. 4030; or 16 Sussex St. • London SW1V 4RW, UK • +44 (0) 207-8750470 pages; $170, £97 • ISBN: 978-1-59693-385-9
Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures in Antenna Engineering
Fan Yang and Yahya Rahmat-Samii
This comprehensive, applications-oriented survey of the state-of-the-art in Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) engineering explains the theory, analysis and design of EBG structures. It helps one understand EBG applications in antenna engineering through an abundance of novel antenna concepts, a wealth of practical examples and complete design details. It contains a customized FDTD method of EBG analysis, for which accurate and efficient electromagnetic software is supplied to provide a powerful computational engine for EBG designs. This book provides a dynamic resource for engineers, and researchers and graduate students working in antennas, electromagnetics and microwaves.
To order this book, contact:
Cambridge University Press • 100 Brook Hill Drive • West Nyack, NY 10994-2133 • (845) 353-7500266 pages; $90 • ISBN: 978-0-52188-991-9
Finite Element Analysis of Antennas and Arrays
Jian-Ming Jin and Douglas J. Riley
Antenna technologies have received renewed interest because of the rapid development of wireless devices and advanced defense applications. Consequently, highly accurate and efficient modeling and simulation tools are needed to satisfy the demand for sophisticated antenna designs. Finite Element Analysis of Antennas and Arrays covers all the technical aspects in the analysis of complex antennas and arrays using the finite element.
To order this book, contact:
John Wiley & Sons Inc. • 111 River Street • Hoboken, NJ 07030 • (201) 748-6395436 pages; $120 • ISBN: 978-0-470-40128-6