The ZigBee® Alliance and the European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) are working together to define interoperable communications standards for smart metering technology across the European Union. The ZigBee Alliance is a global ecosystem of companies creating wireless solutions for use in energy management, commercial and consumer applications, and ESMIG is the organization for smart metering in Europe. The ZigBee Smart Energy public application profile is the first open standard to be endorsed by ESMIG.

ESMIG members determined that the ZigBee Alliance and its ZigBee Smart Energy provide a solid, open standards approach to smart metering communication. ESMIG provides impartial expertise to key stakeholders including EU institutions, EU Member State governments, authorities, regulators, electric, gas and water utility providers on all aspects related to Smart Metering.
The two organizations will collaborate and identify where ZigBee Smart Energy can be rolled out across the 27 Member States of the EU. They will evaluate ways to maximize the benefits of a standardized smart metering program for consumers, utility service providers and the environment.
“The ZigBee Alliance is both a valuable and experienced partner who can provide ESMIG with expertise and solutions for smart metering in Europe,” said Howard Porter, Managing Director at ESMIG. “ESMIG believes that a handful of proven and open standards, like ZigBee Smart Energy, will play a key role in EU smart metering projects because they deliver the most value for all parties, and allow utility service providers with flexibility in choosing standards that fit their specific requirements.”