Anritsu Co., a leader in handheld wireless test solutions, announced that it is the first company to submit self-certification documents to the National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC) for compliance with the group’s recommendations for measuring HD radio signals. Anritsu’s Spectrum Master™, BTS Master™ and VNA Master™ series, and Economy Microwave Spectrum Analyzers comply with the NRSC-5 in-band/on-channel (IBOC) Digital Radio Broadcasting Standard, which specifies IBOC systems for both the AM and FM bands, including detailed specification of the parameters that must be met by the RF signal broadcast by an IBOC facility.
“Anritsu continues to be at the forefront of the wireless test market. We offer the broadcast industry the test tools necessary to make a successful transition to high definition. Engineers and technicians can be assured that Anritsu test instruments will provide them with the measurements necessary to comply with industry standards and ensure quality signal transmission,” said Donn Mulder, Vice President and General Manager of Anritsu’s Microwave Measurement Division (MMD). “We commend the NRSC for developing guidelines to ensure consistent measurement of HD signals.”
Nine instruments in the four product families were submitted for certification. The MS272xB Spectrum Master series provides users with the advantages of a full-sized, fully functional analyzer in a compact, handheld unit that can locate, identify, record and solve communication systems problems quickly and easily with low noise, high resistance to interference and excellent measurement accuracy. Specifically designed for field applications, the BTS Master can perform all the measurements needed for wireless network deployment, installation, and maintenance. The VNA Master series has the most advanced ultra-portable handheld VNAs on the market, featuring unparalleled performance and essential RF capabilities at modest prices.
The MS271xB Economy Microwave Spectrum Analyzers offer superior performance and advanced capabilities. Covering the 9 kHz to 7.1, 13 and 20 GHz ranges, the MS271xB family has exceptional phase noise performance. Its dynamic range of 100 dB results in fast and precise testing of wireless components that require exceptional linearity.