Anritsu Co. introduced several new products at IMS 2009 including the MA24108A/MA24118A microwave USB power sensors that provide accurate average power measurements from 10 MHz to 18 GHz over 60 dB of dynamic range. Employing a “dual path” architecture to achieve True-RMS measurement similar to a thermal sensor over the entire frequency and dynamic range, the power sensors can measure CW, multi-tone, and digitally modulated signals used in commercial and aerospace/defense systems.
Both sensors can either internally trigger or receive an external trigger signal, allowing them to conduct multi-slot and burst average power measurements of TDD waveforms, typically found in GSM, WiMAX and TD-SCDMA signals. Unlike other sensors in the market, the MA24108A/MA24118A do not require a separate module for triggering. They have built-in external trigger circuitry with an MCX connector interface to receive triggers from external stimuli. Incorporating a micro-controller, signal conditioning circuitry, ADC and power supply in the sensor makes it a miniature power meter.

Anritsu also introduced the MN469xA series 4-port test sets for use with its VectorStar MS4640A vector network analyzer (VNA). The development of the MN469xA series takes advantage of VectorStar’s 70 GHz high-performance, proven switching technology to produce the high accuracy and wide dynamic range necessary to conduct 16 fully corrected S-parameter measurements with speed and accuracy.
The MN469xA has been developed for today’s highly integrated multiport assemblies and common three-port devices, such as combiners, diplexers and couplers. The configuration is also well suited for measuring balanced 2-port devices, such as high-speed transmission line backplanes, connectors, cables, balanced amplifiers, baluns and transceivers. Measurements can be made in 30 us/point with high accuracy, making the solution ideal for both R&D and manufacturing environments.

And finally Anritsu introduced the VectorStar™ Broadband ME7828A vector network analyzer system that produces industry-best dynamic range, measurement speed, and calibration and measurement stability over the broadest frequency range of 70 kHz to 110 GHz. The performance and frequency coverage provide designers and manufacturers of microwave/millimeter-wave components and devices with a single system to accurately and quickly measure devices from DC to daylight.
Engineers performing device modeling and characterization must measure across the widest frequency range possible for optimum model accuracy. During the design phase, they must constantly re-verify their device models through measurement verification. Confirming DC performance at higher frequencies is equally important. Traditionally, users have been constrained by the poor performance of microwave VNAs below 500 MHz, as signal-to-noise ratio diminishes below 500 MHz due to microwave coupler roll-off. The result has been a significant weakness in device models at the low end.
Previously, the only solution was to re-measure the device on a separate low-frequency system that has resulted in large concatenation errors. Due to VectorStar’s 70 kHz low-end frequency, it is possible to accurately measure devices starting at 70 kHz for DC information and up to 110 GHz for capturing all the performance of the device at multiple fundamental harmonics.