San-tron Inc. has announced the release of a new UG-27 C/U, the first right angle adapter to feature solderless construction. The solder-free construction offers dependability equal to a straight plug while achieving 90° bends. The solder-free adapters also address ROHS compliancy issues by reducing lead content.

The 50 ohm UG-27 C/Us perform efficiently up to 11 GHz and are rated for operating voltages of 1000 V RMS. The right angle adapters have a maximum dielectric withstanding voltage of 2000 V RMS at 60 Hz at sea level. They are designed for a temperature range of -65° to +165°C and meet interface standards in accordance with MIL-STD-348. VSWR is 1.15:1 from DC to 6 GHz, and 1.35:1 from 6 to 11 GHz.
The adapters are available with albaloy, nickel, and silver body plating and feature center contact plating of silver and gold for ideal connectivity. They also incorporate silicone rubber gaskets for environmental protection.
Pricing for San-tron 0410-11 right angle plugs start at $4.70 at quantities of 3,000+. (Prices may vary depending on material costs at time of purchase.) Delivery: stock to six weeks.