Microlab, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wireless Telecom Group Inc., announced Model Dx-19FN series, low cost two-, three- and four-way wideband reactive power splitters. The new series have been designed to a bandwidth of 700 to 2,700 MHz, to include the common cellular, Wi-Fi and WiMAX frequencies, now being incorporated in Indoor Distributed Antenna Systems and elsewhere. An added benefit of this series is the guaranteed PIM performance of <-150 dBc when tested with two 20 W test signals.
The extremely high reliability required of DAS systems is most easily met with a passive network approach. The extremely low loss of reactive components such as the D2-19FN and D4-19FN pictured above, help make the passive design realizable without recourse to amplifiers or other active components. Such a passive approach enhances reliability, cuts installation cost and has a very high communications survival potential in an emergency situation. Insertion loss is a low < 0.2 dB, and units are compliant to RoHS.