CSR announced the launch of its UniFi UF6000 series of Wi-Fi chips, small and low cost 802.11n compatible devices. At less than 16 mm-sq of silicon, the UniFi UF6000 devices are designed as embedded Wi-Fi products making them the lowest cost way of adding 802.11n enabled Wi-Fi to mobile devices.
As more smart and feature phones start to include Wi-Fi, CSR has released the UniFi UF6000 Wi-Fi series to provide manufacturers with the lowest cost route to integrate Wi-Fi into handsets without compromising on performance or PCB space. CSR’s UF6000 series supports IEEE 802.11a/b/g and n, and follows on from CSR's highly successful UniFi range of Wi-Fi chips. By achieving lower cost points for Wi-Fi integration, Wi-Fi can be integrated into mainstream handsets and portable devices where previously the cost was prohibitive.
By combining the UF6000 with the company’s recently launched low cost GPS and Bluetooth chip, BC7830, CSR is able to offer customers Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and FM transmit and receive at a combined silicon area of 27 mm-sq; the main competing solution is 40 percent bigger.
“The introduction of the UniFi UF6000 is the next step in CSR’s Connectivity Center,” explained Joep van Beurden, CEO, CSR. “Wi-Fi is a key connectivity technology and the ubiquity of Wi-Fi hotspots means that it remains the fastest and cheapest way to connect devices to the Internet, whether for browsing or photo, video and media upload or download. As well as small size and low cost, what really matters for embedded Wi-Fi is strong performance. With best-in-class throughput and coexistence, the UniFi UF6000 is set to excel in all categories,” he added. “It complements our recently announced BlueCore BC7830 that incorporates GPS, Bluetooth and an FM transceiver -- all in a single device. With these two devices, CSR’s Connectivity Center supports all the mainstream connectivity requirements for handsets and consumer electronics devices.”