Virtual Field Monitor for AR Field Probes

RS 310AR’s virtual field monitor provides a graphical user interface that allows control of all probe functions, while displaying probe data and status. The probe can control up to 16 probes – any combination of AR’s battery or laser powered field probes – through available RS-232, GPIB or USB ports. Field strength data can be displayed in four ways: XYZ, Min/Max Avg, Min/Max Hold and Graphical. The VM7000 also has the ability to correct probe readings at a user defined frequency using a table of frequency response correction factors.

AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation,
Souderton, PA (215) 723-8181,
RS No. 310

Anisotropic Planar Multilayer Design Code

RS 311Tromma™ is a multilayer design code for planar radome, absorber and shielding structures. Tromma calculates the complex transmission and reflection coefficients of structures containing anisotropic materials as a function of frequency, incidence angle, polarization angle and orientation. Layers can be of isotropic and anisotropic materials, impedance and admittance sheets, C Sheets, RC Sheets and RLC Sheets. Tromma includes an optimizer that can be used to maximize or minimize the reflection or transmission coefficient over a specified frequency. In addition to the standard rectangular plots the program can display Smith Charts, which can be used to achieve a design goal more quickly.

Damaskos Inc.,
Concordville, PA (610) 358-0200,
RS No. 311

PLL Phase Noise Software

RS 312The widely popular PLL Phase Noise Calculator tool on Hittite’s web site was specifically designed to help synthesizer designers select the best Hittite Divider, Phase Frequency Detector and VCO for their PLL circuit needs. The interrelation of these building blocks is critical to achieving optimal PLL phase noise, and each component in the PLL circuit will impact overall performance. A graphical interface guides the user through the component selection process, and the calculator uploads the key performance attributes for each Hittite component selected. The PLL Phase Noise Calculator quickly provides the phase noise contribution of each PLL element, as well as the total for the entire loop.

Hittite Microwave Corp.,
Chelmsford, MA (978) 250-3343,
RS No. 312

Filter Synthesis and Selection Tool

RS 313Filter WizardSM has been enhanced to provide deviation from linear phase information on the electrical response graph, refine the presentation of information on the details screen and improve the band reject (notch) search interface. The web-based selection tool encompasses a large portion of the standard filter types addressed in the company’s 2008 catalog, including Chip & Wire and Tubular, Ceramic, Cavity, High-Q Ceramic Puck and Waveguide filters. Filter Wizard accelerates user progress from specs to RFQ for RF and microwave filters spanning an ever-increasing range of response types, bandwidths and unloaded Q values from 300 kHz to 40 GHz.

K&L Microwave,
Salisbury, MD (410) 749-2424, or
RS No. 313

Automated Characterization Suite

RS 314Keithley has enhanced its Automated Characterization Suite (ACS) software to include optional wafer level reliability (WLR) test tools for semiconductor reliability and lifetime prediction testing applications. Version 4.0 builds on the ACS software’s existing single- and multi-site parallel test capabilities, adding a database capability, as well as software tools and optional licenses for the new Reliability Test Module (RTM) and ACS Data Analysis capabilities. Together, the new Reliability Test and Data Analysis tools allow ACS-based test systems to produce lifetime predictions as much as five times faster than traditional WLR test solutions. By accelerating WLR testing during the technology development, ACS systems can significantly reduce time to market for new products.

Keithley Instruments Inc.,
Cleveland, OH (440) 248-0400,
RS No. 314

Active Measurement Software

RS 315ORBIT/FR Inc. is releasing version 3.4 of its active measurement software for characterization of handsets and wireless devices. The software may be used as part of a system to conduct testing according to CTIA’s Test Plan for Mobile Station Over-The-Air Performance. A variety of transmitter and receiver performance measurements are supported including those for Radiated Power (EIRP/TRP/NHPRP) and Isotropic Sensitivity (EIS/TIS/NHPIS). Device drivers support many of the common protocols used today from all major vendors. The 3.4 release adds independent trajectories for each dimension and brings new features such as Safe Stepping and Omit Positions to increase measurement reliability. This upgrade will be available free of charge to all customers with a valid Software Maintenance & Support contract at the time of release.

Horsham, PA (215) 674-5100,
RS No. 315