RF and Microwave Transistor Oscillator Design
Andrei Grebennikov
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. • 456 pages; $150
ISBN: 978-0-470-02535-2
The main objective of this book is to present all relevant information necessary for RF and microwave transistor oscillator design, including well-known and new theoretical approaches and practical circuit schematics and designs. Chapter 1 presents the most commonly used design techniques for analyzing nonlinear circuits, in particular transistor oscillators. Chapter 2 introduces the principles of oscillator design, including start-up and steady-state operation conditions, basic oscillator configurations using lumped and transmission-line elements, and simplified equation-based analysis and design techniques. Several examples of stability criteria for different single-resonant and double-resonant oscillator circuits are described and analyzed in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents both the empirical and analytical optimum design approaches applied to series and parallel feedback oscillators, including circuit design and simulation aspects and high efficiency.
Chapter 5 describes different oscillator noise models to express a clear relationship between the resonant circuit and active device noise model parameters. Chapter 6 discusses varactor modeling issues, varactor nonlinearity and its effect to frequency modulation, and resonant circuit techniques to improve VCO tuning linearity using lumped and transmission-line elements. Chapter 7 discusses the technological aspects to realize MOS varactors and spiral inductors, basic concepts of circuit design and implementation issues. Chapter 8 discusses the basic concepts of wideband VCO design and gives specific circuit solutions using lumped elements and transmission lines to improve their frequency tuning characteristics. Chapter 9 discusses phase noise reduction techniques and gives specific resonant circuit solution using lumped and distributed parameters for frequency stabilization and phase noise reduction.
To order this book, contact:
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The Atrium, Southern Gate
Chichester, West Sussex,
England PO19 8SQ, UK
+44 1243 779777
Advanced Phase-Lock Techniques
James A. Crawford
Artech House • 528 pages; $129, £72
ISBN: 978-1-59693-140-4
Phase-lock techniques in time and frequency control systems have expanded substantially since the author’s first book Frequency Synthesizer Design Handbook, (Artech House) that was published in 1994. This text builds on the foundational material that was provided in the original text, with expanded attention given to a range of topics that are germane to phase-lock systems. Chapter 1 offers a broad-brush perspective of the phase-lock technique. A number of helpful formulas have been collected in Chapter 2 for easy and quick reference. Chapter 3 is motivated by the rather obvious need to always know what the theoretical limits are concerning a given design problem. In general, design problems that demand performance close to theoretical limits will require greater design precision, power consumption and/or development effort. Chapter 4 describes many different noise sources and their analysis techniques. The role that noise plays at the system level is considered in Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 provides a discussion about classical continuous-time PLLs used for frequency synthesis, quickly moving into a presentation of pseudo-continuous systems that are more representative of modern systems. Chapter 7 is an expanded discussion of sampled-PLLs that should be firmly connecting the concepts between continuous-time and sampled-time PLLs in a rigorous manner. With the proliferation of the fractional-N frequency synthesis method and Δ-Σ methods in general, Chapter 8 opens with a historical development time-line for fractional-N followed by fractional-N frequency synthesis. Chapter 9 is devoted to a fairly extensive discussion about oscillators. Chapter 10 stems from a number of development projects pertaining to precision clock and data recovery (CDR) systems, also called bit synchronization.
To order this book, contact:
Artech House
685 Canton St.
Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 769-9750 ext. 4030; or
46 Gillingham St.
London SW1V 1HH, UK
+44 (0) 207-8750