Quantic PMI Model PLDRO-17D45G-25M-EXT-ROHS is a PLDRO with an output frequency of 17.45 GHz. It has a reference frequency of 25 MHz, an output power of 13.8 dBm, a no lock VSWR of 3:1, an output spurious of -75 dBc, an output harmonic of -25 dBc, a sub harmonic of -60 dBc, a reference input power of 10 to -3 dBm, and a reference input spurious of -80 dBc. This model has SMA female connectors and measures 2.25" x 2.25" x 1.41".  RoHS compliant.  https://www.quanticpmi.com/product-details/pldro-17d45g-25m-ext-rohs