The strategic vision for developing 6G mobile telecommunications systems is outlined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) IMT-2030 Framework, which sets the foundation for innovation, performance standards and global cooperation. 5G Americas announced the publication of its latest white paper, "ITU’s IMT 2030 Vision: Navigating Towards 6G in the Americas," which studies the ITU IMT-2030 vision and its implications for the Americas.

“5G Americas is pleased to offer our in-depth look into the foundational ITU next-generation framework that will shape the development of 6G standards,” said Viet Nguyen, vice president of PR and Technology, at 5G Americas.

The ITU IMT-2030 vision framework emphasizes enhanced capabilities and new usage scenarios that extend the boundaries of current 5G technologies, providing a blueprint for the future of global mobile communication. These advancements aim to expand connectivity, integrate artificial intelligence (AI), and support emerging technologies such as integrated sensing and communications (ICAS), among other technologies.

"ITU’s IMT 2030 Vision: Navigating Towards 6G in the Americas" covers the following key highlights:

  • Enhanced Performance: significant improvements in data rates, latency and reliability, focusing on delivering high speed, ultra-reliable low-latency communications for industries and consumers alike
  • New Usage Scenarios: advanced use cases, including immersive multimedia, smart industrial applications, digital twin, ubiquitous connectivity and the integration of AI to create intelligent, self-learning systems
  • Global Harmonization: emphasis on alignment of global standards, spectrum policies and regulatory frameworks to ensure interoperability and a unified approach to 6G development
  • Strategic 6G Initiatives: U.S. and other American governments have initiated several research and policy activities to drive 6G innovation
  • Sustainability and Security: promotion of energy-efficient technologies and robust security measures to safeguard data integrity, privacy and national security.

"The IMT-2030 framework represents a collaborative effort between industry, government, and academia to shape the future of mobile communications," said Karri Kuoppamaki, senior vice president, Advanced and Emerging Technologies, T-Mobile. "As the industry moves toward 6G, the focus will be on driving innovations that unlock new economic opportunities, enhance connectivity, security and sustainability while maintaining global leadership in technology development."

“The IMT-2030 vision is a critical step toward enabling a future 6G ecosystem, setting a roadmap for the evolution of mobile systems beyond 5G. Stakeholders from the Americas are encouraged to engage in the development of favorable technical details, particularly in the areas of spectrum utilization, AI integration and next-generation air-interface technologies” said, Brian Daly, AT&T fellow and AVP of Standards & Industry Alliances and working group leader on the white paper.

"As the industry take the first steps in the journey to 6G, the ITU IMT-2030 framework provides a crucial roadmap for global collaboration and innovation," said Ali Khayrallah, Senior Technical Advisor, Ericsson. "It’s not just about faster networks — it’s about transforming how industries and societies connect, operate and grow in the digital age."