EMPIRE XPU is an outstanding 3D time-domain EM modelling tool for antennas, microwave circuits, EM chip design and more. It is based on the powerful Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, which has become the industry standard for RF and microwave component and antenna design. EMPIRE XPU has due to its XPU technology the fastest simulation engine known today and can solve problems in minutes that would have taken days to solve only a few years ago.

 The XPU technology is an IMST invented software acceleration technique for efficient EM simulation on CPUs. It outperforms GPU solutions regarding simulation speed and memory usage enabling accurate full 3D EM design of larger and more complex structures compared to competition.
 EMPIRE-XPU is compatible with industry standard 3D CAD data, layout formats and EM vendor simulation projects.  https://empire.de/