Pictured: High school students taking part in a 2023 MFG Day event at Quantic Wenzel, a frequency control and timing manufacturer in Austin, Texas.

October marks National Manufacturers Month, a time to celebrate our contributions to our economy and society at large. National Manufacturers Month is an opportune moment for our industry to help nurture the next generation of RF engineering and manufacturing professionals. Our industry is a critical backbone of modern technology and to ensure its continued growth, it is imperative that we do our part to encourage our communities, educational institutions and young minds to explore career paths within RF engineering and manufacturing.

The U.S. manufacturing industry as a whole is facing a serious challenge; the shortage of skilled talent. According to the Manufacturing Institute, 4.6 million manufacturing jobs are expected to be created in the United States over the next decade, but 2.4 million may go unfilled due to a skills gap. In our industry, this gap is particularly pronounced, given the specialized knowledge and expertise required. To help bridge this gap and help sustain growth, we must proactively invest in the future workforce.

Engaging Academia and Trade Schools

  • High Schools: Consider establishing partnerships with local high schools by offering internships, mentorship programs and educational workshops. For example, hosting an "MFG Day Event" where students can visit manufacturing facilities, interact with staff and participate in hands-on activities.
  • Trade Schools: Trade schools often provide specialized training in areas relevant to electronics manufacturing. Consider offering scholarships, equipment donations, and curriculum input to these institutions, ensuring that students receive the latest industry-relevant education.
  • University Partnerships: Collaborating with universities on research projects and sponsoring student clubs focused on RF technology can provide a deeper connection to potential future employees. Consider offering co-op programs or giving guest lectures to supplement academic learning with practical RF industry insights.

Leveraging Regional or State Industry Associations

By leveraging regional or state industry associations, industry can tap into a network of resources and expertise that can significantly help inspire the next generation. These associations are often deeply connected to the local community and can provide valuable insights and connections that extend beyond what any single company can achieve on its own. Membership and collaboration with these organizations can be a strategic step in building a strong talent pipeline locally.

Other Opportunities to Consider

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives: A study conducted by Deloitte in collaboration with The Manufacturing Institute has highlighted the need for manufacturers to make greater efforts in attracting women and a more diverse workforce to the industry. Manufacturers can create new talent pipelines by building inclusive and welcoming cultures where all employees can thrive.
  • Hands-On Learning: Organize "Build Your RF Device" competitions or workshops at local schools or your facilities, challenging young minds to create simple RF projects. Such activities not only foster interest but also develop practical skills.
  • Facility Tours: Arrange field trips for students to visit your facility and see RF technology in action. Witnessing the real-world applications of their studies can be highly motivating.
  • Scholarships and Grants: Establish scholarships and grants to support students pursuing relevant degrees. This not only eases the financial burden but also encourages academic excellence.
  • Internships: Offer internship programs for college students interested in RF engineering and manufacturing. Hands-on experience in a professional setting can be a transformative opportunity for young talent, helping them gain real-world skills and insights.
  • Industry Ambassadors: Encourage your staff to become ambassadors in their local communities, sharing their experiences and career paths during National Manufacturers Month. Real-life success stories can inspire young minds to consider careers in our industry.

This National Manufacturers Month, take a few moments to recognize the vital importance of fostering the next generation of RF engineering and manufacturing professionals. By investing in education, mentorship and collaboration, we not only secure the future of our industry but also empower young minds with the tools and knowledge to shape a brighter and more connected world.

Why do you think National Manufacturing Month is important? Let us know in the comments section below. If you are interested to learn more, visit www.themanufacturinginstitute.org.