Quantic PMI Model PS-500M2G-10B-SFF-MIL-SM is a 0.5 to 2 GHz digitally controlled phase shifter with capability for phase shifting from 0º to 360º with an insertion loss of 8 dB; amplitude error of ±0.06 dB; phase shift Error 0.3°; switching speed of 500 ns and spurious of -60 dBc. The unit consists of an analog phase shifter and a digital-to-analog converter. Ten logic input lines allow 1024 discrete values of phase. Housing size is 3.25" x 3.25" x 0.84" and has SMA Female Connectors. https://www.quanticpmi.com/product-details/ps-500m2g-10b-sff-mil-sm-56292873
Digitally Controlled Phase Shifter: PS-500M2G-10B-SFF-MIL-SM