Transformations are accelerating throughout the 5G world. While many of these transformations involve steadily increasing digitization, this process is accompanied by solid strong trends in terms of using higher millimeter-wave radio frequencies, particularly V-Band and E-Band. V-Band, centered on 60 GHz, is increasingly used for fixed wireless access (FWA), while E-Band (70 to 80 GHz) is increasingly being adopted for xHaul in the 5G networks. The term xHaul combines backhaul, midhaul and fronthaul functions. The increasing importance of the new bands and associated networks is exemplified by recent news such as a recently announced project involving Verizon and Verana Networks relating to advanced mesh networks.

To learn more details about participating company profiles, market data and growth rates for mmWave radios used in FWA applications in K/Ka-Bands, Q-Band, V-Band and E-Band, please contact Engalco Research.