Orolia and Seven Solutions have established a strategic partnership to deliver extremely resilient, accurate and stable time and frequency for global military, commercial and critical infrastructure applications. 

This industry-first collaboration brings together two world-leading companies. Orolia is a global manufacturer of resilient timing and atomic clocks, and Seven Solutions develops White Rabbit sub-nanosecond data transfer and synchronization technology.

The Orolia-Seven Solutions partnership will address the ultra-precise, resilient timing and frequency requirements of industries such as defense, aerospace, data centers, telecom, financial services, smart grids and other critical infrastructure. Together, the companies will offer the most advanced and proven solutions to help protect these critical applications against disruption and manipulation of their positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services, including GPS/GNSS jamming, spoofing and outages.

“This partnership is a key example of Orolia’s commitment to combining best in class technologies into more robust Resilient PNT solutions for our customers,” said Orolia CEO Jean-Yves Courtois. “Those who require the most accurate, extremely precise time and frequency technology will now also benefit from an unprecedented level of resilience to protect critical PNT data sources, for more confidence and peace of mind.”

Orolia has the unique expertise to offer an unparalleled modular approach to resilient PNT, which includes a combination of GNSS signals protected with Interference Detection and Mitigation (IDM) technology, together with Low Earth Orbit (LEO) secure alternative signals. Now the Orolia-Seven Solutions partnership also offers terrestrial sub-nanosecond time distribution from distant and potentially redundant locations. Orolia’s Resilient PNT suite also provides continuous protection assurance with vulnerability testing to keep pace with emerging threats. 

Eduardo Ros, CEO D. and co-founder of Seven Solutions said, “The goal is to offer the best time transfer and frequency distribution solutions in terms of accuracy, reliability and interoperability. Many segments, such as finance and 5G telecommunications, are developing new functionalities that require ultra-accurate time distribution accuracy. Reliability is enhanced with built-in redundant resources and network-based failover mechanisms. Finally, in order to maximize interoperability, our solution for time transfer is based on the White Rabbit concept that has been pushed over the last decade to become the basis of the standard high accuracy time transfer profile (within the recent release of IEEE 1588 of precision time protocol).”

This new partnership between Seven Solutions and Orolia will facilitate global operations and naturally integrate with reliable time sources. Seven Solutions will focus on bringing the best-in-class time and frequency distribution. The partnership will be able to offer the best timing right from the source to the end nodes, integrating the best solutions in terms of accuracy, reliability and interoperability.