ZTE Corp. announced that it has partnered with Smartfren to support Ministry of Communication and Informatics of Indonesia to demonstrate the 5G applications in the manufacturing industry, in a bid to improve efficiency, workplace safety, as well as product accuracy and quality.

For this demonstration, ZTE and Smartfren deployed 5G network in a logistics warehouse, and connected the 360-degree camera and the VR headset through the 5G network, transmitting images to the monitoring room in real time. This demonstration adopts spectrum of 28 GHz at 5G medium-high-frequency mmWave, and the maximum throughput using two carriers reaches 8.7 Gbps.

“This demonstration case can be well applied for  factory scenarios. Specifically, in case of  a problem in the logistical and shipping path, a monitoring engineer  can launch a drone to troubleshoot the problem at a short distance so that the worker does not need to troubleshoot in a dangerous work area in person, thereby minimizing work accidents. said Merza Fachys, president director of Smartfren, “ Once the 5G network deployment is completed, we can greatly reduce the monitoring manpower.”

"The emergence of 5G technologies will greatly improve the automation of the real-time monitoring, improving productivity and efficiency,”  said Budiono Muljono, CEO of PT Smart. “5G technologies will be a key factor to help us achieve industrial management by means of automation, data exchange and analysis."   

"ZTE believes that as 5G commercial deployment accelerates, 5G will be gradually implemented and extended to vertical industries,” said Allen Zhang, COO of ZTE Indonesia. “We have invested heavily in 5G research and development, and we are happy to support Smartfren and Ministry of Communication and Informatics to actively promote the application of 5G, thereby facilitating the digital transformation in vertical industries."