The 22nd Components for Military and Space Electronics (CMSE) conference and exhibition, at the 4 Points Sheraton Hotel, Los Angeles, on May 7-10, 2018 offers an excellent insight into current issues (design trade-offs on cost, reliability and performance) and future challenges of military and space electronic components. CMSE will feature two impressive keynotes presentations: “Role of Standardization in 21st Century Mil-Aero Electronics," Anduin Touw, Boeing and “Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration During and Post Moore’s Law Era,” Dr. Rao R. Tummala, Georgia Institute of Technology.

Over 30 technical presentations, a Copper Wire Panel Discussion and six half-day seminars cover a wide range of topics on electronic components for military and space electronics, including “Moisture in Microelectronics” and “Mission Assurance for Small Satellites.”

Last years’ CMSE attendance was higher than the past years, and the exhibit hall was completely filled with 21 exhibitors, a 50 percent increase from previous years.

The 22nd CMSE is designed to be a well-attended four-day event. Attendees, conference organizers, invited speakers, authors of papers and exhibitors all contribute to creating an “high technical level” event, facilitating a free exchange of ideas for learning and collaboration, all to the good of component engineering which is a key technology for the success of military and space systems of the future.

Tom Green, TJGREEN ASSOCIATES LLC, continues the legacy that Leon Hamiter, Components Technology Institute Inc. has facilitated for the last 21 plus years. More information on the advanced program, tutorials, attending or exhibiting is available at: