The latest TCXO design launched by IQD delivers two new models housed in ultra-miniature 1.6 mm x 1.2 mm x 0.45 mm hermetically sealed ceramic packages that are amongst the smallest available on the market. The IQXT-350 series is a standard TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator) whilst the IQXT-351 series version offers full VCTCXO (Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator) functionality.

Both models are initially available in four standard frequencies; 19.2, 26.0, 38.4 and 52.0MHz, all with a frequency tolerance of ±1.5ppm and frequency stability of ±0.5ppm. Both series operates at 1.8V with a maximum current consumption of only 1.7mA and a clipped sinewave output with 10kΩ//10pF drive capability.

The 26 and 52MHz parts are available with an operating temperature range of -40° to +85°C whilst the 19.2 & 38.4 MHz operate over -30° to +85°C. Start-up time from the power mode is only 2 ms max whilst the IQXT-351 (VCTCXO) series has a pullability of between ±8ppm to ±13ppm. Harmonic distortion is - 5.0 dBc max and typical phase noise is -135 dBc/Hz at 1kHz with ageing at ±1 ppm max per year.

The low power and ultra-miniature footprint of both designs makes these new models ideal for GPS, IoT, Wearables, Wi-Max and Wireless Communications applications.

Full data sheets are available on IQD’s website at or for further advice, speak to their Applications Support Team.