Computer Simulation Technology (CST) has acquired IdemWorks, an industry leading provider of modeling tools and services. Engineers working in a wide range of applications, including signal/power integrity and EMC verification in digital, RF and mixed/signal design can look forward to enjoying greater synergies between IdEM and CST STUDIO SUITE®.

IdEM is a user friendly tool for the generation of SPICE-ready macromodels of electrical interconnect structures such as packages, connectors, via fields, discontinuities up to backplane links and complete power delivery networks. Starting from their input-output port responses, derived from measurement or simulation, IdEM provides accurate, proven, passive and causal broadband computational models that can be used in any circuit simulation environment for reliable transient and AC analyses.

“The IdemWorks and CST teams will work closely to develop a roadmap of efficient enhancements and integrations that will leverage the best capabilities of the combined IdemWorks and CST products,” stated Michelangelo Bandinu, CEO of IdemWorks. “We are very excited about the creative possibilities that this acquisition brings and are confident that this will provide significant benefits to our customers.”

The IdemWorks team has a strong application-oriented scientific background, which is key to solving challenging modeling problems and bringing innovation to the market. Customers benefit from the speed, accuracy and stability of models generated by IdEM and the experience that has been gathered through many years of developing software tools and consultancy.

Prof. Stefano Grivet-Talocia, Founder of IdemWorks, said: “This acquisition is the natural evolution of IdemWorks. Since its foundation in 2007 as an academic spinoff, IdemWorks has been continuously growing, both in market share and in reputation. The time has come to combine our advanced model extraction algorithms with top-class field solver engines, and the technology leading set of tools in CST STUDIO SUITE is the optimal choice for us. The planned tight integration between the two platforms will lead to significant innovation in the near future, with major benefits for end users and customers.”

Through this acquisition, CST will gain access to complementary, state of the art modeling technologies, based on best-in-class algorithms. IdemWorks will continue developing, supporting and selling their modelling tools, thus maintaining customer business continuity.

“IdemWorks products are recognized worldwide as the best-in-class solution available on the market to solve challenging modeling problems. We feel that the technology is a very good extension of our simulation capabilities and look forward to working with the team,” commented Dr. Bernhard Wagner, Managing Director, CST. “We are also aware of the strong and trusting relationship between IdemWorks and their customers, and feel committed to continue these relationships as seamlessly as possible.”