Analog Devices, Inc. introduced the HMC1127 and the HMC1126 (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit) distributed power amplifiers. Covering the frequency range of 2 to 50 GHz, these new power amplifier die simplify system design and improve performance by eliminating the need for RF switches between frequency bands. Each amplifier incorporates I/Os that are internally matched to 50 Ohms, facilitating easy integration into multi-chip modules. All data is taken with the chips connected via two 0.02-mm (1 mil) wire bonds measuring 0.31-mm (12 mils) in length. Based on a GaAs (gallium-arsenide) pHEMT (pseudomorphic high-electron mobility transistor) design, the HMC1126 and HMC1127 are ideal for instrumentation, microwave radio and VSAT antennas, aerospace and defense systems, telecommunications infrastructure, and fiber optic applications.
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HMC1127 GaAs pHEMT MMIC Distributed Power Amplifier Key Features:
- P1dB output power: 12.5 dBm
- Psat output power: 17.5 dBm
- Gain: 14.5 dB
- Output IP3: 23 dBm
- Supply voltage: +5 V @80 mA
- 50 Ohm matched I/O
- Die size: 2.7 x 1.45 x 0.1 mm
HMC1126 GaAs pHEMT MMIC Distributed Power Amplifier Key Features:
- P1dB output power: 17.5 dBm
- Psat output power: 21 dBm
- Gain: 11 dB
- Output IP3: 28 dBm
- Supply voltage: +5 V@65 mA
- 50 Ohm matched I/O
- Die size: 2.3 x 1.45 x 0.1 mm
Pricing and Availability
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HMC1127 | Now | Now |
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HMC1126 | Now | Now |