A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J K L | M | N | O | P | Q |
R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z #
SA selective availability (GPS error introduction/correction)
SAR synthetic-aperture radar
SAR search and rescue
SAR specific absorption rate
SAT supervisory audio tone
SATCOM satellite communication (Satellite Communications Agency, Department of Defense)
SAW surface acoustic wave
SBAS satellite-based augmentation system
SBN single sideband phase noise
SCCM single channel carrier modulation
SCFL source-coupled field-effect transistor logic
SCO synchronous connection orientated
SCPI Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
SCR semiconductor-controlled rectifier
SCSI small computer standard/system interface
SDARS Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services
SDD symbolically defined device
SDH synchronous digital hierarchy (European telecommunication)
SDLA successive detection log amplifier
SDMA spatial-division multiple access
SDR software-defined radio
SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory
SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses
SEM scanning electron microscope
SEM singularity expansion method (radar)
SES severely errored seconds
SFD start of frame delimiter
SFDR spur-free dynamic range
SGLS space ground link system
SHF super high frequency
SI semi-insulating
SIC selectively implanted collector
SIG Special Interest Group
SIGINT signal intelligence
SIM subscriber identity module
SINAD signal-to-noise and distortion (ratio)
SINR signal to interference plus noise ratio
SIP single inline package
SIR signal to interference ratio
SIR stepped impedance resonator
SIS signal in space
SISO single input single output
SLE satellite link emulator
SLM spatial light modulator
SMI sample matrix inversion
SMP subminiature push-on (connector)
SMP surface-mount package
SMR specialized mobile radio
SMS short message service
SMT surface mount technology
SNA scalar network analyzer
SNIR signal-to-signal plus interference ratio
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SOA safe operating area
SOC silicon on ceramic
SoC system on chip
S-OFDMA scalable OFDM access
SOI silicon on insulator
SOIC small outline integrated circuit
SOLR short-open-line-reciprocal (calibration)
SOLT short-open-load-thru (calibration)
SONET synchronous optical network (US telecommunications)
SOP system-on-a-package
SOT small outline transistor
SP3 third-order suppression
SPC statistical process control
SPI serial peripheral interface
SPIE Society of Photo-optical Instrument Engineers
SPRE satellite position reporting equipment
SPS standard positioning service (GPS)
SPUDT single-phased unidirectional transducer
SRAM static random access memory
SRF series resonant frequency
SS spread spectrum
SSB single sideband
SSBW surface skimming bulk wave
SSD simultaneous signal detection
SSG small signal gain
SSI small scale integration
SSOP shrink small outline package
SSOT shrink small outline transistor
SSPA solid-state power amplifier
SSPE single solid-phase epitaxy
SSR surface search radar
SSS suspended substrate stripline
STALO stable local oscillator
STM synchronous transport module (1 STM = 155 Mbps)
STOVL short takeoff, vertical landing (aircraft)
STW surface transverse wave
SWAP shared wireless access protocol
SWF slow-wave factor
SWR standing wave ratio
SWS slow wave structure