A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J K L | M | N | O | P | Q |
R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z #
AACI alternative adjacent channel interference
AC asynchronous connectionless
ACA anisotropic conductive adhesive
ACC adaptive cruise control
ACIR adjacent channel interference ratio
ACLR adjacent channel leakage ratio
ACMPA aperture-coupled microstrip patch antenna
ACP adjacent channel power
ACPR adjacent channel power rejection
ACPR adjacent channel protection ratio
ACPW asymmetrical coplanar waveguide
ACW autonomous collision warning (system)
ADC analog-to-digital converter
ADEOS advanced Earth observation satellite
ADPCM adaptive differential pulse-code modulation
ADS automatic debiting system (auto toll collecting)
ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber loop
AEGIS airborne early warning ground integration system
AESA active electronically scanned array
AFH adaptive frequency hopping
AFP automatic frequency planning
AGC automatic gain control
AICC autonomous intelligent cruise control
AM amplitude modulation
AM analog metal
AME average model error
AMF automated module fabrication
AML amplitude modulated link
AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service
AMR adaptive multirate codex
ANA automatic network analyzer
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AO acoustic-optical
AOA angle of arrival
AP access points
APC American Personal Communications system
APD analog predistortion
API application programming interface
APL airport pseudolites
AR axial ratio
ARBF adaptive radial basis function
ARM antiradiation missile
ARMA autoregressive moving average
ARDIS Advanced Radio Information Service
ARFCN absolute radio frequency channel number
ARO active resonator oscillator
ARQ automatic repeat request
ASAP Airborne Shared Aperture Program
ASCII American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC application specific integrated circuit
ASH amplifier-sequenced hybrid
ASK amplitude shift keying
ASM antenna switch module
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ASV advanced safety vehicle (system)
ATC air traffic control
ATDE adaptive time domain equalizer
ATE automatic test equipment
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
ATM air traffic management
ATPC automatic transmit power control
ATR antenna test range
AUC authentication center
AVI automatic vehicle identification
AVL automatic vehicle location
AVLN automatic vehicle location and navigation system
AWG arbitrary waveform generator
AWG American Wire Gauge (standard)
AWGN additive white Gaussian noise
AWNV all weather and night vision system