It’s hard to believe that we’re already setting our sights on next year, when the leaves have yet to fall from the trees here in New England. But that’s how it works in the media business, as you are well aware. The 2015 Editorial Calendar is set and ready for your review and planning. While our editorial calendar is typically fairly stable from year to year, there are some significant changes to next year’s edition. Most notably, our two major show issues, those for IMS and EuMW will be published a month earlier than usual. With the IEEE MTT-S IMS event occurring in mid-May, our April issue will serve as the show issue for Microwave Week (Phoenix, AZ). The same scenario affects European Microwave Week, with the event a full month earlier than usual in early September (Paris, France). This results in our EuMW show issue moving to August. While our editorial themes have remained the same, you’ll find that a few have changed months based on the shifting of show issues.

The other major change is the addition of a new “Aerospace & Defense Electronics” supplement, to debut in May. This supplement joins the “Cables & Connectors” in March, the “Military Microwaves” in September and the “Mobile Communications & Infrastructure” in November.

The 2015 media kit will be available by the middle of this month. Watch for an email with link to the kit in the next few weeks. If there’s been a change in marketing personnel at your company, please advise Barbara Walsh at        

We’re currently working on our November issue and annual “Mobile Communications & Infrastructure” supplement. See Editor Pat Hindle’s contribution in this edition of the WaveGuide for more information on the editorial content of each. The deadline to book your ad in the supplement is October 14th with ad material due by October 17th. The deadline to book for the regular November issue is October 16th with material due by the 20th. The supplement will be distributed at Mobile World Congress (Barcelona, Spain) for significant added exposure.

EDICON China 2015 is shaping up nicely. The exhibition has expanded into a second hall to accommodate demand. The event has moved to the China National Convention Center, the new, state-of-the-art venue located near the famous “Bird’s Nest”. The expansion has opened up prime booth locations, so now is great time to book your space for this fast-growing event. 

I’m off to Rome this week for European Microwave Week, along with many of my colleagues. We’ll be making the rounds of the exhibition and conference, but stop by our booth/stand #112 and say hello if you’re at the show. Sales Manager Mike Hallman will be at MILCOM and AOC, Chuck Boyd will be at the COMSOL Conference and Brian Landy will be at AMTA as MWJ hits the road in October. Pat Hindle and I will be in China for the last two weeks of the month, lining up more expert speakers for EDICON and exhibiting at the International Microwave Exhibition (IME) in Shanghai. We look forward to seeing many of you on our travels and look forward to working with you again in 2015.


Carl Sheffres