The VectorStar ME7838D 145 GHz Broadband system is the first VNA combining RF, microwave and two mm-wave bands in a single coaxial output. Through the use of the Anritsu-developed 0.8 mm coaxial connector, frequencies up to 145 GHz can be propagated within a coaxial transmission line without waveguide flange connections. A broadband frequency sweep from 70 kHz to 145 GHz is now available without the need to concatenate multiple systems. The result is more accurate device characterization from near-DC through the W- and F-Band frequencies. W-Band devices can now be characterized beyond the operating frequency of the application for more accurate modeling and higher success rate from the first design turn.
The ME7838D fully supports the 3744A-Rx 30 to 125 GHz receiver for noise figure measurements up to 125 GHz. Integrating Anritsu’s unique strength in nonlinear transmission line technology (NLTL), the ME7838D system offers many advances in broadband performance over traditional systems including:
- Broadband frequency coverage, from 70 kHz (instead of 10 MHz) and operational from 40 kHz to 145 GHz through a single coaxial connector
- Dynamic range of 120 dB at 10 MHz, 108 dB at 65 GHz, 108 dB at 110 GHz, and 94 dB at 145 GHz
- Measurement speed of 55 ms for 201 points at 10 kHz IFBW
- Compact, lightweight mm-wave modules for easy, precise and economical positioning on a wafer probe station; 0.7 lb and 1/50 the volume of traditional mm-wave modules
- First millimeter-wave system with real-time leveling of power without the need for calibration software correction tables
- Excellent calibration and measurement stability, 0.1 dB over 24 hrs
- Fully supports tri-axial Kelvin bias tee connections for on-wafer device biasing up to 145 GHz
- Millimeter-wave waveguide coverage to 1.1 THz
- The ME7838A 110/125 GHz broadband system can be easily upgraded to 145 GHz by incorporating the new Anritsu MA25300A mm-wave module
Figure 1 Dynamic range of ME7838D system at the 0.8 mm coaxial test port.
Broadband VNA System: 70 kHz to 145 GHz
The ME7838D broadband VNA system provides single sweep coverage from 70 kHz to 145 GHz and is operational from 40 kHz to 145 GHz. It consists of the following items:
- MS4647B VectorStar VNA, 70 kHz to 70 GHz with Option 007, Option 070, and Option 080/081
- 3739C broadband millimeter-wave test set and interface cables
- MA25300A millimeter-wave module, two each
Figure 1 shows the dynamic range of the ME7838D system at the 0.8 mm coaxial test port from 70 kHz to 145 GHz. Figure 2 shows 24-hour reflection magnitude stability from 70 kHz to 145 GHz in a typical lab environment when measured at 23°C ± 3°C.
Millimeter Waveguide VNA System 50 GHz to 1.1 THz
The ME7838D millimeter-wave configuration provides waveguide output from 50 GHz to 1.1 THz in waveguide bands. The frequency range of the broadband system can be extended using millimeter-wave modules or it can be configured to operate only as a waveguide system. It consists of the following items:
- MS4647B VectorStar VNA, 70 kHz to 70 GHz with Option 007, and Options 80/81
- 3739C broadband millimeter-wave test set and interface cables
- Millimeter-wave module, two each
Figure 2 24-hour reflection magnitude stability.
Three configurations are available for waveguide band operation when using the ME7838D system.
- The Anritsu MA25300A broadband millimeter-wave module can be adapted to waveguide measurements using waveguide adapters. Waveguide adapters from Flann are available with 0.8 mm connectors and cover the WR08 and WR06 bands.
- The Anritsu 3744A-EE or 3744A-EW millimeter-wave module can be used. These version modules operate in the extended E and W waveguide bands and are operational using the MS4644B, MS4645B or MS4647B VectorStar (with options 08× and 007) and the 3739C broadband/millimeter-wave test set.
- The third configuration option is to use external millimeter-wave modules with any model VectorStar (with options 08× and 007) and the 3739C test set. For millimeter bands, either OML or VDI modules may be used.
The MA25300A broadband mm-wave module can be adapted to a waveguide band output by adding an available waveguide band adapter. Using the MA25300A modules provides the opportunity to sweep frequencies for broadband applications and quickly convert to waveguide configurations for banded measurements. The advantages of small compact modules with excellent RF performance and power range control can be realized in both broadband and waveguide configurations when using the MA25300A mm-wave module.
The 3744A-Rx receiver module can be used with Option 041, noise figure, and the ME7838D mm-wave or broadband system to perform mm-wave noise figure measurements from 30 to 125 GHz. The receiver bypasses the internal couplers, maximizing the noise figure of the receiver for optimum noise figure measurement accuracy. The receiver is derived from the 3743A mm-wave module utilizing the same nonlinear transmission line technology for optimum mm-wave performance. The advantages of the 3743A mm-wave module system architecture provide a unique solution to mm-wave noise figure measurements previously unavailable.
A broadband frequency sweep from 70 kHz to 145 GHz is now available with the VectorStar ME7838D 145 GHz Broadband system. W-Band devices can now be characterized beyond the operating frequency of the application for more accurate modeling and higher success rate from the first design turn.
Anritsu Co.
Morgan Hill, Calif.