Agilent Technologies Inc. announced its 5G test summit with Future Mobile Communication Forum explored the status of next-generation 5G wireless communication systems. The June 24 forum in Beijing focused on the challenges test and measurement manufacturers face to support this rapidly evolving technology as well as the progress of research in the field.

During the event, which attracted some 300 engineers and business leaders, the technical experts and leaders shared their vision for next-generation 5G communication systems. Technical papers delivered at the forum addressed all major areas of 5G, including:

  • energy and spectral efficiency improvement;
  • network virtualization;
  • radio regulation and frequency resource management;
  • mmWave channel measurement and modeling;
  • massive MIMO or large-scale antenna systems; and
  • non-orthogonal technology in new PHY layer design.

Agilent demonstrated test and measurement solutions for 5G research. Demonstrations included:

  • EDA system-level design and simulation tools;
  • mmWave/THz component test; and
  • ultra-wide bandwidth/multi-channel signal generation and analysis solutions.

“Technologists worldwide are searching for next-generation wireless solutions to meet the unprecedented growth of mobile Internet,” said Steve Yan, Agilent vice president and general manager of Greater China. “Next-generation 5G wireless communication systems bring new challenges for test and measurement manufacturers, specifically in the design of the instrument hardware platform and the development of new measurement methods.”

The interactive nature of the forum allowed Agilent to work closely with industry leaders on 5G research and provide them with the latest design and test solutions for R&D (design, validation and simulation) and high-volume manufacturing.

“Research for next-generation 5G wireless communication systems is still in the early stage,” said KONG Hong Wei, manager of Agilent Measurement Research Labs in China. “Agilent understands the new challenges facing the wireless industry and is committed to providing the test and measurement solutions required to meet the rapidly evolving demands of 5G.”