The WhiteSpace Alliance (WSA) ®, a global industry organization enabling sharing of underutilized spectrum, today announced that NuRAN Wireless™ has joined the organization.

NuRAN Wireless is an established supplier of radio access solutions that decrease power consumption, CAPEX, and OPEX, making them ideal for users in rural and remote areas. NuRAN Wireless has been involved in TV white space (TVWS) trials, using the technology as a broadband Internet access technology for schools in developing countries, and as a Non Line-of-Site wireless backhaul solution for connecting small cell base stations in remote areas. Additionally, it has been collaborating with academic institutions, such as the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique in Montreal, Canada, which seeks to enhance spectrum sensing methods and radio access schemes targeting available white space spectrum.

“After several years of innovation in software-defined radio technology for cognitive radio applications and in GSM networks for emerging markets, TVWS is a natural extension to our portfolio. TV white space is a remarkable technology to offer broadband Internet in under-served regions, as well as providing a low cost backhaul solution to deploy our GSM base stations in remote areas. We see the WhiteSpace Alliance as a strong partner to help us stay on top of the technological and regulatory developments in this critical area,” says Maxime Dumas, Head of Strategy and Business Development for NuRAN Wireless.

NuRAN's membership in WhiteSpace Alliance is another example of the rapidly growing ecosystem of companies and organizations focusing upon TV white space and spectrum sharing to make robust broadband Internet and voice services widely available. WhiteSpace Alliance plays a leadership role in fostering development, testing and deployment of solutions based upon such intelligent spectrum management.

"We look forward to NuRAN's active participation in the organization,” said Peter Flynn, External Affairs Director, WhiteSpace Alliance, and representative from Texas Instruments. "Through the collective contributions of our members, we are bringing the goal of “broadband everywhere” closer to reality.”

For more information on WhiteSpace Alliance, please visit

 For more information on NuRAN Wireless, go to