Microwave Journal, an industry leading Horizon House technical publication, has released the industry’s first interactive technical magazine that uses the augmented reality app Layar to overlay digital information onto the pages. When readers scan the pages that are marked with the “Scan page using Layar app” logo with their mobile device, digital information is overlaid onto the print page. Readers will be able to experience more engaging rich media delivered automatically and can tap the screen to view other related information. Videos and animations appear to “play out of the page” in the augmented reality mode. The Layar app is available for free on Android and iOS (Apple) mobile devices (phones and tablets) from their respective app stores.

The editors and advertisers have selected digital content to overlay onto 31 pages of the January Radar and Antennas themed issue to provide more information about the topics or products discussed on those pages. Microwave Journal produced a special video for the cover to introduce the technology. Throughout the issue, readers can experience such items as video demonstrations, animations, picture galleries, links to datasheets or other product information, access to download white papers, the ability to post on Facebook or tweet about the content, a download of a company’s app or links to related web pages.  Microwave Journal will continue to offer interactive content in its issues going forward.

Publisher Carl Sheffres said, “This is a groundbreaking step that Microwave Journal is taking with this new technology - augmented reality could change the way readers consume content and how advertisers present their message as print becomes a more immersive experience.”  The new technology allows readers to benefit from engaging and educational content on the enhanced pages that will provide further information about the subject or product being covered in the article or advertisement. They can also connect on social media sites to discuss or post something related to the topic or product. Future enhancements will include 3D images that can be viewed from all directions for appropriate software models or data presentations, for example, that will offer the reader additional insights.

Advertisers can add more information about their products and services such as demonstration videos, links to datasheets, white paper or application note downloads, link to shopping carts or web pages or mobile app downloads. The interactive pages offer a more engaging experience for the reader and allow direct tracking of number of views for each type of content and lead generation if linked to a download form on the advertiser’s web page. View a short demonstration video.

The first augmented reality issue of Microwave Journal is available now and subscriptions are free to qualified industry readers. To become a subscriber, apply at https://www.microwavejournal.com/user/new. For advertising information, please visit http://www.microwavejournal.com/advertising.

About Horizon House/Microwave Journal

Microwave Journal is part of Horizon House Publications based in Norwood, MA, and London, England.  Horizon House Publications consists of Microwave Journal, Artech House Books and Telecommunications Media Group (formerly Telecommunications Magazine).  Horizon House annually organizes and runs European Microwave Week, EDI CON in China and the M2M Zone at CTIA International and CeBIT. 

Microwave Journal has been the leading source for information about RF and Microwave technology, design techniques, news, events and educational information since 1958.  Microwave Journal reaches 50,000 qualified readers monthly with the print magazine that has a global reach.  In 2012, Microwave Journal China started as a 6X publication with more than 10,000 readers.  Microwave Journal is the only trade journal to peer review technical features before publication to ensure that they are accurate, timely and useful to the reader.


Patrick Hindle
 +1 781 619 1946
Twitter: @pathindle