Spectracom, a business of the Orolia Group (NYSE Alternext Paris – FR0010501015 – ALORO) and a global provider of time and frequency test and measurement solutions, announced its new Pulsed RF Counter/Analyzer, which further expands the capabilities of the company’s world leading line of frequency analysis instruments.

The new pulsed RF measurement capability is particularly valuable for testing military and civilian radar systems in R&D, manufacturing, and service and maintenance. Combined with all the features of the world’s fastest microwave counter, the Pendulum CNT-90XL, is a high-performance tool at a price point far below microwave sampling oscilloscopes, signal source analyzers and spectrum analyzers. With high-resolution measurements of radar pulses down to 50 ns, and with carrier frequencies up to 60 GHz, the new CNT-90XL sets a new industry standard for pulsed RF measurements.

“We understand the need for an affordable tool to test and validate modern radar, navigation and  missile guidance equipment, using millimeter waves in sub-microsecond pulses. We can now provide a solution to perform all pulsed RF timing measurements like pulse width, PRI and PRF, plus carrier frequency in short pulses, and power measurements, at an affordable cost”, says Emmanuel Sicsik-Paré, Product Manager at Spectracom.

The new pulsed RF features adds a new dimension to the standard capabilities of the CNT-90XL for pulsed and Doppler radars, which includes a 60 GHz frequency range, ultra-high measurement speed of 250k samples/s of  frequency and power measurements, to allow AM and FM modulation analysis and accurate testing of fast Doppler radar shifts.

 The new Pulsed RF CNT-90XL Microwave Frequency Analyzer will be available in March 2013.