High-Performance Surge Arresters

Frontlynk has developed a family of surge arresters that are designed to protect sensitive electronic facilities such as base stations or outdoor antennas from lightning damage and current surges. As well as solid surge arresters, the family includes a system whereby the surge of electric current enters the arrester and is diverted though a gas-tube to earth, thus protecting valued components throughout the system. The incorporation of a replaceable gas-tube into the design of specific arresters means that only a small component needs to be replaced rather than the complete arrester, offering an economic and green alternative.

The family includes a range of surge arresters, including the N type and also the 7/16 series, which can be used for higher voltage equipment such as base stations. Each surge arrester, irrespective of its design, comprises three in-series adapters: Plug-to-Plug, Plug-to-Jack and Jack-to-Jack. The company also offers the facility to modify the design in accordance with customer needs.

To optimize the performance and reduce the loss the company divides the surge arresters into two, according to the operating frequency: 0 to 3 GHz and 2 to 6 GHz. Both frequency ranges have a 50 Ω impedance, surge capability of 8/20 ìs 1 time 20 kA and breakdown voltage (±20 percent) of 90, 230 and 350 V. The 0 to 3 GHz surge arrester has a maximum VSWR of 1.2 and a maximum insertion loss of 0.3 dB, while the 2 to 6 GHz surge arrester has a maximum VSWR of 1.3 and a maximum insertion loss of 0.5 dB.

Signal loss is not an issue and customers can select the specific arrester to suit the requirements of their particular systems. Importantly, the surge arresters are waterproof, meeting the environmental requirements of IP67, which, due to its special design, also applies to the gas-tube replacement version.

Frontlynk Technologies Inc.,
Tainan City, Taiwan