Persistent rain and strong winds did not dampen the atmosphere for the 1000 or so delegates and exhibitors who attended the Agilent Technologies-sponsored Welcome Reception that concluded the first day of the European Microwave Exhibition at European Microwave Week in the Manchester Central Convention Complex. The inclement weather was relegated to the past as Ian Hunter, the 2011 EuMW Conference Chairman, took the opportunity to thank his team for all their hard work in organising the Week.
As well as focusing on the efforts to produce three strong and complementary conferences – the European Microwave Conference (EuMC), the European Microwave Integrated Circuit (EuMIC) conference and the European Radar Conference (EuRAD) – he also highlighted the effort put into other initiatives, including producing 28 Workshops and Short Courses and the Student Challenge aimed at encouraging the next generation of RF and microwave engineers.
Hunter then handed over the microphone and the European Microwave Week baton to Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg, the general chair of European Microwave Week 2012, which will be held in the RAI, Amsterdam, from 28 October to 2 November 2012. He commented, “After this well organised event here in Manchester it is quite a challenge to try to organise an equally good event in Amsterdam. I can promise that the weather will not be worse but I can’t promise that it will be better either. He introduced his team who he said were already working hard on next year’s event. He encouraged academia and industry alike to participate by submitting papers, and exhibitors to continue to support the Week by taking space in the RAI. He concluded, “I wish you a good evening, thank you very much and see you in Amsterdam.”
Benoit Neel, Vice President and General Manager, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Electronic Measurement Group, Agilent Technologies, concluded the formal proceedings. He commented, “I heard this morning that ‘we all speak microwave,’ and I must tell you that Agilent Technologies loves people who speak microwave. So, we a very proud and pleased to be able to offer you this dinner tonight.”
The Welcome Reception has become established as a truly international gathering as delegates and exhibitors from across the globe have the opportunity to network and exchange ideas. This year the global makeup of the audience gathered in Manchester was reflected in a menu that offered the choice of continental and Asian food, together with beer, wine and Champagne.
Throughout the evening, Ghislain Tietcheu-Moukoué, Market Development Manager, Electronic Measurement Group, Agilent Technologies, acted as master of ceremonies, encouraging participation in a prize draw. Everyone who submitted an entry received an Agilent torch light; three lucky winners received Agilent T-shirts with a further three winning a T-shirt and an Agilent multimeter. All of the prizes are orange – something to brighten up even the dull Manchester skies!