Items Tagged with 'revenues'


IC foundry sales will keep hitting records through 2018

p> Worldwide foundry revenues for integrated circuits were expected to rise 13% in 2014 to a new record-high level of $47.9 billion, after increasing 13% in 2013 and 18% in 2012. These estimates are from the new 2015 edition of The Foundry Almanac, a jointly produced annual report by the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) and market researcher IC Insights.  The seventh edition of The Foundry Almanac forecasts IC foundry sales to grow 12% to reach another record high of $53.7 billion in 2015.

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LTE RAN a bright spot while overall wireless infrastructure revenues reach a 9 year low

Wireless infrastructure equipment revenues continued their downward trend in the second quarter of 2012 reaching only $11.2 billion – a 4.7 percent decrease from the first quarter of 2012 and a 14 percent decrease from the same quarter one year ago. “Total revenues for wireless network equipment reported by the vendors was the lowest amount that we have seen since 3Q 2003; reaching a 35 quarter low,” says Nick Marshall, principal analyst, networks.

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