Technical Education Webinar Series
Title: Planning and Deploying 5G mmWave Networks with Repeaters
Date: April 27, 2022
Time: 8am PT / 11am ET
Sponsored by: Pivotal Commware
Presented by: Kent R. Lundgren, VP Marketing & Sales, Pivotal Commware
Carriers are realizing that outdoor mmWave propagation requires new strategies and tools to deploy 5G mmWave networks cost effectively. mmWave signals are restricted by line-of-sight (LOS) and building penetration. Yet they go where directed, allowing more less costly mmWave repeaters to minimize the number of fiber-connected gNBs. This is accomplished by spreading gNB capacity beyond gNB LOS.
Cost-effective mmWave deployments require careful planning and execution. The nature of mmWave propagation requires precision accuracy in centimeters instead of meters. Pivotal’s February 2022 podcast described how Holographic Beam Forming™ enables the lowest cost, size, weight, and power consumption profile for its mmWave repeater products. This webinar will lay out Pivotal’s step-by-step process and considerations for deploying those products.