EDI CON Online
Title: Scanning Radar Horizons: Near & Far
Date: August 18, 2021
Time: 9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET
Presented by: Dr. Joseph R. Guerci, President/CEO, Information Systems Laboratories, Inc.
Once a relatively staid technology discipline where innovation timelines were measured in years, radar has seen an unprecedented rate of growth and proliferation fueled by many disparate markets including the military/civil, UAVs, automotive, autonomous vehicles both ground-based and airborne, commercial products and medical—to name a few. Military radars are continuing to evolve ever more sophisticated capabilities such as waveform agility/adaptivity, advanced high-power operation, and new cognitive operating capabilities. Moreover, this is a major thrust in developing radars and other RF systems specifically for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) that places a premium on low cost, size, weight and power (C-SWAP). The commercial sector is likewise experiencing significant growth in similar areas in the automotive and UAS detection and tracking industries. This talk will provide an up to date overview of these recent trends with a contemplation on what’s in store for the future. Specific topics include:
Presenter Bio:
Joseph R. Guerci has 35 years of advanced technology development experience in industrial, academic, and government settings—the latter included a seven-year term with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) where he led major new radar and sensor developments. The author of over 100 technical papers and publications, he is a fellow of the IEEE for “Contributions to Advanced Radar Theory and its Embodiment in Real-World Systems,” the recipient of the IEEE Warren D. White Award for “Excellence in Radar Adaptive Processing and Waveform Diversity”, and the recipient of IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for “For contributions to advanced, fully adaptive radar systems and real-time knowledge-aided, and cognitive radar processing architectures.”
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