Pat Hindle, MWJ Editor
Pat Hindle, MWJ Editor RSS FeedRSS

Pat Hindle is responsible for editorial content, article review and special industry reporting for Microwave Journal magazine and its web site in addition to social media and special digital projects. Prior to joining the Journal, Mr. Hindle held various technical and marketing positions throughout New England, including Marketing Communications Manager at M/A-COM (Tyco Electronics), Product/QA Manager at Alpha Industries (Skyworks), Program Manager at Raytheon and Project Manager/Quality Engineer at MIT. Mr. Hindle graduated from Northeastern University - Graduate School of Business Administration and holds a BS degree from Cornell University in Materials Science Engineering.

Hot Topics for Mobile World Congress 2013

HetNets, Carrier Aggregation, LTE-A, Small Cells, mmWave Radios, Envelop Tracking, 802.11ac and more
Tens of thousands of people from around the world are heading out to Barcelona this weekend to attend GSMA Mobile World Congress 2013 (MWC13) which will take place at new venue this year, Fira Gran Via.  Back in November we did a MWC13 preview that was made up of contributions from 3 leading test/measurement companies and 3 component companies.  Agilent, R&S, Anritsu, RFMD, TriQuint and Skyworks all wrote pieces about what they expected to be hot topics at the show. Read this preview of the show.
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The Robots Are Coming!

I recently read a great book, Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez, about the next step in UAVs using artificial intelligence to become completely autonomous making their own decisions by communicating with each other as a collective intelligence.  The drones use a weaver ant algorithm and communicate via a chemical agent like the real ants.  Weaver ants are used because they are a highly aggressive and organized species.  I was having a Terminator moment after reading the book as we seem to be getting closer to this situation all the time.  But I love the technology that enables these capabilities since much of it is based on advances in wireless technology (along with some software, of course).

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IDTechEx Forecasts a $100 Million Graphene Market in 2018

By Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh, Technology Analyst, IDTechEx
Graphene promises to offer excellent material properties in almost all applications. Its extraordinary performance has led many to call it the 'superlative' or 'wonder' material. However, the reality is different. Their latest report on graphene Graphene: Analysis of Technology, Markets and Players 2013-2018 diligently separates hype from reality using our detailed knowledge base, which was built by interviewing relevant players across the industry and tracking/interpreting global developments. They forecast a $100 million market for graphene in 2018.
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MILCOM 2012 Sacked by Sandy

The MILCOM management and sponsors made a wise decision to cancel the event this year as most of the east coast was pretty much closed down from hurricane Sandy.  Everyone I know in New England down to the Mid-Atlantic found out over the weekend that their flights were cancelled.  It was a good move and addressed any safety concerns of people trying to get there.  MILCOM even analyzed their attendee list and determined that approximately 40% of them would be affected by the storm so decided to cancel.  I applaud them for taking this action and promoting it quickly to the attendees.  Even though the show was cancelled, there was still a lot of company news and products that I received for the event so here is a summary of the show that did not happen from an RF/microwave perspective.

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Meeting the Father of Microwaves in China

I just returned from another trip to China visiting several universities and companies in Beijing and Chengdu to talk about EDI CON and Microwave Journal/Microwave Journal China. The highlight of my visit was to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in Chengdu where we had the honor and privilege of attending the celebration of the establishment of the Lin Weigan Fund of UESTC which coincided with Lin Weigan’s 93rd birthday.

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TI Tech Days Travel the World

Texas Instruments holds worldwide IC training seminar days called Tech Days.  I had the pleasure of attending the Boston, MA Tech Day last week and would describe them as small professional conference and exhibition. As stated on their web site, they are aimed at providing a learning forum for design engineers where practical high-performance solutions, tools and workshops are presented for analog and digital technologies.  They have technical sessions all day that cover amplifiers and data converters, audio, digital signal processing, low-power RF, microcontrollers, video and power management.
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Embedded Systems Conference expands to become Design East

I attended the Design East conference last week and found some interesting products and technologies. Many M2M/wireless module manufacturers and a few microwave companies were part of the exhibition. Read about the some of the interesting things I saw at the show along with a short summary.
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