David Vye, MWJ Editor
David Vye, MWJ Editor RSS FeedRSS


David Vye is responsible for Microwave Journal's editorial content, article review and special industry reporting. Prior to joining the Journal, Mr. Vye was a product-marketing manager with Ansoft Corporation, responsible for high frequency circuit/system design tools and technical marketing communications. He previously worked for Raytheon Research Division and Advanced Device Center as a Sr. Design Engineer, responsible for PHEMT, HBT and MESFET characterization and modeling as well as MMIC design and test. David also worked at M/A-COM's Advanced Semiconductor Operations developing automated test systems and active device modeling methods for GaAs FETs. He is a 1984 graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, with a concentration in microwave engineering.

Upcoming RFID Webinar

August 8, 2008
This past week we were extremely pleased to sign up Tektronix and Analog Devices as co-sponsors for the upcoming RFID UHF Tag webinar (August 19th - visit Microwave Journal to sign up). Our goal for these technical webinars has been to find sponsors that offer products and/or services related to the webinar topic. While serving the needs of the advertiser, this also provides a service to the webinar attendee. One of the most valuable aspects of these webinars is that they are presented by individuals with real-world experience. Sponsorship by commercial companies with the relevant technical know-how and products that address the needs being discussed, furthers the goals of these events. That is -- to provide you with practical, high-quality information.

I became aware of the RFID measurement solution offered by Tektronix through the dedicated RFID page on their web site . Here they have tutorials, application notes and more. Engineers designing RFID systems and devices must characterize and troubleshoot complex transient RF systems while still meeting the tight time to market deadlines. Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers enable engineers to quickly solve RFID measurement problems with their unique Discover, Trigger, Capture, Analyze capabilities. More details are available at the site mentioned above.

Click here to find out more >>

Analog Devices has a long and successful connection to the RFID world with a family of products including the ADF9010, which targets applications that operate in the 900 MHz frequency range, including RFID readers, industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band radio communications devices, professional mobile radios, cellular base stations and RF-over-coax applications.

I am looking forward to joining you at this next webinar. Many attendees typically download the speaker’s presentation for archiving. Additionally, I encourage everyone to check out the information from our sponsors and download what’s relevant to your needs.
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