David Vye, MWJ Editor
David Vye, MWJ Editor RSS FeedRSS


David Vye is responsible for Microwave Journal's editorial content, article review and special industry reporting. Prior to joining the Journal, Mr. Vye was a product-marketing manager with Ansoft Corporation, responsible for high frequency circuit/system design tools and technical marketing communications. He previously worked for Raytheon Research Division and Advanced Device Center as a Sr. Design Engineer, responsible for PHEMT, HBT and MESFET characterization and modeling as well as MMIC design and test. David also worked at M/A-COM's Advanced Semiconductor Operations developing automated test systems and active device modeling methods for GaAs FETs. He is a 1984 graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, with a concentration in microwave engineering.

WiGig standard (802.11ad) getting ready to serve

June 24, 2013

IEEE 802.11ad is the latest addition to the IEEE Wireless LAN (WLAN) set of technologies. This new wireless standard promises blazing speeds over short distances with the ratified standard delivering 7Gbps speeds over 60GHz frequencies and should appear in consumer electronics as soon as next year. And in case you're wondering, WiGigis the consumer-friendly marketing name which will encompass 802.11ad and future revisions. Of course, implementing WLAN at 60 GHz rather than 2.4 or 5 GHz, it brings its own set of advantages and challenges. “Understanding 802.11ad Physical Layer and Measurement Challenges” is the title and subject of a new online tutorial from the IEEE Communications Society. This presentation begins with a modest overview of standards and market trends, followed by an in-depth description of the physical layer construction. We include explanations of framing, modulation, encoding, and error correction using example signals and measurements to emphasize principles. Free access to this IEEE presentation is be made possible through a sponsorship by Agilent Technologies.

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