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Recent addition of MIMO-specific measurements to the R&S ROMES4.65 drive test software enables the collection of important MIMO data during a drive test
The new R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyzer has been developed to meet demanding customer requirements. Designed to set standards in RF performance and usability, the analyzer has a wide analysis bandwidth and straightforward, intuitive operation that makes it particularly suitable for use in the aerospace and defense (A&D)...
The new R&S ZNB family of network analyzers stands out due to its wide dynamic range of up to 140 dB (at 10 Hz IF bandwidth), its low trace noise of 0.004 dB (rms) (at 10 kHz IF bandwidth) and its high output power of up to +13 dBm...
Interference affecting RF signals is a familiar problem for development engineers working in the field of RF engineering. It may be caused by sporadic or brief events within the frequency domain, the spectral behavior of signal sources during frequency switching, or by digital circuits. Identifying the causes behind problems...
The R&S ZVA24 network analyzer and the new R&S ZVAX24 extension unit combine to form a solution that adapts to user requirements. This combination facilitates faster and easier measurements on active components because it does not require any additional equipment or rewiring. Depending on the application, the extension unit...