Articles by Chia-Song Wu and Hsing-Chung Liu, Vanung University; Hsien-Chin Chiu and Wei-Hsien Lee, Chang Gung University

A Distributed Trans-impedance Amplifier Using InGaP/InGaAs Enhancement-mode PHEMT Technology

A broadband trans-impedance amplifier using a 0.5 μm InGaP/InGaAs E-mode PHEMT process is reported for optical electronic communication applications. The distributed amplifier was achieved with a trans-impedance gain of 50 dB-Ω and a bandwid...
An optoelectronic device performs the transition between optical and electrical components. The trans-impedance amplifier is the most suitable preamplifier configuration in optoelectronic receivers. A block diagram of the circuit module is shown in Figure 1 . The trans-impedance amplifier is the first stage electrical amplifier in the receiver chain...
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