
Richardson RELL Qorvo

Innovations in High Performance GaN for Aerospace and Defense

This eBook explores GaN applications and highlights the capabilities of the technology. The first few articles describe applications where GaN’s high power, high temperature and radiation tolerance may prove useful: LEO satellites, EW, and hypersonic weapons while the remaining articles cover “hands on” topics covering GaN technology.

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High Performance GaN Amplifier Design Guide

To aid designers of GaN power amplifiers (PA), Wolfspeed has selected several recent articles published by Microwave Journal, creating this handy eBook reference. We begin with a survey of the RF GaN market written by the consulting firm Yole Développement. “The RF GaN Device Market: A Roller-Coaster Ride.” Then “A Dive into Integrated PA Topologies for 5G mMIMO,” written by Wolfspeed, discusses the benefit of using GaN rather than LDMOS and how best to design the GaN PA. The article “Broadband, High Efficiency, Class J Power Amplifier Design Method with Compensating Drain-Source Capacitance,” written by authors from Hangzhou University and the University of Kent, describes a single-ended GaN PA design covering the cellular bands from 1.4 to 3.6 GHz that achieves approximately 10 W output power, between 60 and 68 percent drain efficiency and an adjacent channel power ratio better than −30 dBc. The next article, “Doherty Power Amplifiers Move to mmWave,” written by PRFI, describes the design of an asymmetric Doherty PA MMIC for the 28 GHz 5G band. The design was processed using Wolfspeed’s 0.15 μm GaN on SiC foundry process. The next article, “The Maximally Efficient Amplifier,” written by Rohde & Schwarz, explores the theoretical circuit approaches for maximizing a PA’s efficiency: waveform engineering, supply modulation and load modulation. The eBook concludes with “Choosing the Right Signal Source for Reliable Measurements,” a cautionary reminder from Rohde & Schwarz that the quality of the signal source causes measurement uncertainty and error.

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RFMW Qorvo

Dual Use GaN Product Developments for Commercial and Defense

GaN has become the dominant RF power technology in Defense applications and higher high performance commercial applications. Strategy Analytics forecasts GaN component revenue to approach $1.5 billion for Defense applications alone by 2030. Its performance characteristics support evolving battle philosophies that rely on higher operating frequencies, wider instantaneous bandwidths, better efficiency and higher linearity. This eBook takes a look at several new applications for GaN technology and some examples of optimizing GaN amplifier performance.

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5G/6G Component Test Challenges

This eBook explores how passive components are contributing to the progress of reducing SWaP, complementing semiconductor integration. Topics covered include reducing RF Circuit SWaP with high K materials and precision thin-film microstrip technology; filter technology options for mmWave applications; compact, low loss switched filter bank using MEMS switches; and using additive manufacturing for Aerospace and Defense components including examples of antennas, amplifiers and filters.

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Knowles Precision Devices

Innovations in Passive Device Design to Reduce SWaP

This eBook explores how passive components are contributing to the progress of reducing SWaP, complementing semiconductor integration. Topics covered include reducing RF Circuit SWaP with high K materials and precision thin-film microstrip technology; filter technology options for mmWave applications; compact, low loss switched filter bank using MEMS switches; and using additive manufacturing for Aerospace and Defense components including examples of antennas, amplifiers and filters.

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Improving RF GaN Success

Designing a semiconductor component is not easy: the myriad specifications, simulating performance, the cycle time through the wafer fab, packaging, designing and building the evaluation board, testing the circuit — all contributing to the total cost of development. With GaN being widely adopted for military and commercial systems, the RFIC industry has focused on the device physics, modeling and simulations tools to enable first-pass success with GaN devices. This eBook explores the topic compiling five recent articles published by Microwave Journal® including simulation, device topologies, off-chip matching circuits and device models.

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Recent Advances in FPGA Processing Power for EW and AI

This eBook reviews recent advances in these areas of AI and FPGA processing that are enabling improved EW systems. The first article looks at accelerating EW system development and deployment with open hardware, firmware and software leveraging a new standard platform. The next two articles look at how AI is changing the EW landscape and the industry’s first heterogeneous processing module with integrated AI functionality. Then the eBook addresses digital RF memory testing challenges and solutions. The last two articles cover new products for RF signal recording with smaller form factors and increased capabilities.

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VNA Measurement Challenges and Solutions for Evolving Applications

This eBook covers some of the new advancements in VNA technology that are enabling new applications to use VNAs for characterization. The first article looks at a modular VNA architecture that presents a new alternative for S-parameter measurements by eliminating long cable runs and simplifying the test setup. The next article examines some popular choices for de-embedding techniques and experimentally looks at performance in some WR5 fixtures from 140 to 220 GHz. The third article reviews the importance of accurate dielectric constant measurement on laminate PCB materials for mmWave applications, most of which are done with a VNA. Increasingly, broadband mmWave VNA measurements are needed at higher frequencies, creating measurement challenges so the last article covers an integrated 70 kHz to 220 GHz VNA with a single connection to the DUT. Learn about all of these topics in this eBook.

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New Trends in RF Signal Generation

This eBook from Wireless Telecom Group explores these T&M trends, beginning with a tutorial on signal generation written by Boonton. An article by CommAgility illustrates the use of T&M for simulation, in this case a satellite link being developed to support 4G/5G communications. The next two articles address phase noise, describing the development of low phase noise synthesizers. The first reports on the collaboration between Drexel University and Synergy Microwave to develop sources using optoelectronic loops. The second article, contributed by Analog Devices, assesses several synthesizer architectures, concluding a fully integrated translation loop will achieve the lowest phase noise. The concluding article, from Epirus, describes the state of high power solid-state technology and its potential use in new EMP systems. This eBook represents some of the latest technology in signal generation.

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