Software EDA Channel - Press Releases, Events, and Announcements for the EDA Sector

R&S RTO oscilloscopes from Rohde & Schwarz verify compliance of USB interfaces

 Today it is hard to imagine data exchange and instrument control without USB. No other interface has achieved such popularity for user equipment, electronic consumer goods and industrial products. As a result, the need for reliable, fast test solutions in development and integration has also increased. New software from Rohde & Schwarz makes the company's high-performance oscilloscope ideal for automated USB 2.0 compliance tests.    

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AWR Connected for Optenni Lab accelerates wireless antenna design

AWR Corp. and Optenni Ltd. announced AWR Connected for Optenni Lab, an integrated workflow that accelerates wireless antenna design by enabling optimized matching circuits to be transferred from Optenni Lab matching circuit software to AWR’s Microwave Office high-frequency design software with a single mouse click. The interface constructs the matching circuit in Microwave Office, sets up and runs the simulation, and then allows for further refinement and analysis within Microwave Office and AXIEM®, AWR’s 3D planar electromagnetic simulator.

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