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Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex Overview

Explanation of the improvement gained by applying space diversity techniques to the orthogonal frequency division multiplex system in a multipath fading environment
Technical Feature Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex Overview Ali Zamanian Fluor Corp. Wireless broadband, also called wireless cable, was developed to provide local access to small business and residential users for the delivery of high quality digital data, video and voice services. Orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) is a modulation...
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Fractional-N Synthesizers

Description of fractional-N synthesizers and the associated systems used to implement the technology in commercially available products
Technical Feature Fractional-N Synthesizers David Owen IFR Systems Inc. Wichita, KS Fig. 1 A basic fractional-N system with no jitter correction based on a single accumulator. Fractional-N synthesizers have been used for many years to improve the performance of indirect frequency synthesizers. A simple indirect synthesizer consists of a...
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Design of a Low Phase Noise Ku-band Oscillator Using a SiGe HBT

Presentation of the characteristics of a commercially available SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor used in an oscillator operating at Ku-band
Technical Feature Design of a Low Phase Noise Ku-band Oscillator Using a SiGe HBT Myrianne Regis, Hugues Lafontaine and Steve Kovacic SiGe Semiconductor Ottawa, ON, Canada Gilles Cibiel and Olivier Llopis LAAS-CNRS Toulouse, France In the past decade, the demand for microwave, millimeter-wave and wireless communication systems has rapidly...
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220 to 325 GHz Vector Network Anaylsis

Introduction to a new pair of vector network analyzer frequency extension modules covering 220 to 325 GHz
Product Feature 220 to 325 GHz Vector Network Analysis Oleson Microwave Labs (OML) Morgan Hill, CA A new pair of vector network analyzer (VNA) frequency extension modules, covering 220 to 325 GHz, is being introduced along with a precision waveguide calibration kit. The models V03VNA-T/R and V03VNA-T are compatible...
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Low Cost Plastic MMIC VCOs

A new line of multifunction monolithic microwave integrated circuit VCOs is this month's cover feature
Cover Feature Low Cost Plastic MMIC VCOs Hittite Microwave Corp. Chelmsford, MA Fig. 1 Ku-band VCO on an evaluation PCB. A breakthrough in monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) design and manufacturing technology has occurred with the introduction of a new multifunction VCO product line. The new VCO's phase noise...
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Network Analyzer Software for Simplified Bandpass Filter Tuning

Use of newly developed filter tuning application software to accurately tune coupled-resonator bandpass filters
Product Feature Network Analyzer Software for Simplified Bandpass Filter Tuning Agilent Technologies Inc. Santa Rosa, CA Tuning the multiple poles and zeros of a coupled-resonator bandpass filter is generally labor-intensive and time-consuming. Often performed by a company's most experienced technicians armed with a vector network analyzer, such tuning requires...
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Test Enables High Volume Manufacturing

Analysis of the impact of advanced test methods on the development of the mobile communications market
Special Report Test Enables High Volume Manufacturing Ernest Rejman Contributing Editor Fig. 1 A concept of a device capable of uploading and downloading data and video, and offering voice communications. Source: Nokia. A nightmare looms on the horizon for test manufacturers as well as their end-users, the device and...
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PLL Synthesizers: A Switching Speed Tutorial

Overview of switching speed as it relates to the design of phase locked loop synthesizers
Tutorial PLL Synthesizers: A Switching Speed Tutorial Bar-Giora Goldberg Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. San Diego, CA The phase noise and noise floor of signals is a fundamental property and a constant challenge in the design of radio and wireless networks. Traditionally, phase noise has been the main concern of phase...
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Design and Prototyping of a Transimpedance Front-end Amplifier for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Circuits

Development of an optical power monitor for use in dense wavelength division multiplexing circuits using a logarithmic operational amplifier transimpedance front-end amplifier
Technical Note Design and Prototyping of a Transimpedance Front-end Amplifier for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Circuits As part of the development of an optical power monitor for use in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) circuits, the effectiveness of a logarithmic operational amplifier transimpedance front-end amplifier was investigated, and the...
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Integrating System and Circuit Simulation Capabilities

Introduction to Microwave Office 2002, the most recent version of the popular design suite
PRODUCT FEATURE  Integrating System and Circuit Simulation Capabilities Applied Wave Research Inc. (AWR) El Segundo, CA Version 5.0 of Microwave Office Design Suite will begin shipping in the fourth quarter of this year. The new release, called Microwave Office 2002, includes integrated system simulation capabilities that close the gap...
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