RF & Microwave Industry News

New Products: Materials

MATERIALS RF Problem Solver Kit The C-RAM RF problem solver kit designed for engineering evaluation contains nine different C-RAM RF materials that can be used for solving RF signal leakage, device compatibility or cavity resonance problems. The kit is equipped with lossy carbon-loaded foam and magnetic silicone rubber-type absorbers...
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New Products: Antennas

ANTENNAS Flat-panel Antenna The model SSGP04-23 flat-panel antenna operates at the 2.3 to 2.5 GHz spread spectrum/industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band, and measures 12" x 8" x 2", making the unit suitable for environmentally sensitive areas. The antenna is supplied with an adjustable mount. The mounting hardware allows...
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New Products: Amplifiers

AMPLIFIERS 10 Gbps Monolithic Limiting Amplifier The 10 Gbps model ALA90000 three-stage, DC-coupled, differential amplifier IC replaces a multistage discrete amplifier solution typically required after transimpedance or PIN amplifiers in OC-192/STM-64 receiver applications. The amplifier has a small-signal gain of 25 dB, input sensitivity of 7 mV (differential) and...
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New Products: Intergrated Circuit

INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Floating-point DSP The model TMS320C6701 digital signal processor (DSP) is both pin- and code-compatible with the company's fixed-point model TMS320C62x DSP, creating a fixed- and floating-point universal platform architecture that enables 100 percent reuse of fixed-point code for faster time-to-market. The company's new mixed-signal data converter connects...
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New Products: Sources

SOURCES Low Profile OCXOs The CMO5000 series low profile oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXO) offer a holdover frequency stability an order of magnitude better than the Stratum III telecommunications requirement in a space-saving, low profile package. The units' oven construction allows the entire oscillator to be encapsulated in a package...
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New Products: Test Equipment

TEST EQUIPMENT Compact Interference Generators The models UCS500M/2 and UCS500M/4 compact interference generators offer full-compliance testing to six specifications for immunity, including IEC 1000-4-2, 4-4, 4-5, 4-8, 4-9 and 4-11. Testing is accomplished via technology that integrates waveforms using a built-in coupling/decoupling network. The UCS500M/2 and UCS500M/4 test to...
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New Products: Sub-Systems

SUBSYSTEMS RF Fiber Link Solution The model 2204 RF link solution supports four RF-over-fiber links (in a 1U rack chassis) used for the high quality transport of signals in the 10 MHz to 2 GHz bandwidth range. Weatherproofed outside enclosures are also available. The unit is a connectorized, ready-to-use...
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New Products: Processing Equipment

PROCESSING EQUIPMENT 0.6 mm CMOS Process This 5 V, 0.6 mm CMOS process enables mixed-signal parts to be implemented with high digital content. Roughly twice as many gates can be packed on the same real estate as was achievable with the 0.8 mm process. A library of 45 megacells,...
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New Products: Software

SOFTWARE Translator Program The model D2G Windows '95-/NT-based DXF™-to-Gerber™ translator incorporates view and edit functions such as scaling, mirroring, rotation or addition of text. The user is able to import files, view and edit before outputting Gerber files. Price: $495. Delivery: stock. T-Tech Inc., Atlanta, GA (770) 455-0676. Fixture...
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News From Washington

News From Washington Proposals Solicited for UCAV Feasibility Demonstration A joint solicitation from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and US Air Force seeks proposals for an advanced technology demonstration (ATD) program that would demonstrate the feasibility of an unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) system capable of carrying out...
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