RF & Microwave Industry News

Web Update

Microwave & RF Components and Subsystems This Web site features the Weinschel division’s components and subsystems. It is updated often and offers a complete library of downloaded data sheets for a wide variety of RF and microwave components and subsystems. New items include on-line quote forms, keyword search, expanded...
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GaAs MMIC I/Q Mixers for IRM and SSB Converters in Microwave Radio Applications

As a supplier of microwave and millimeter-wave components, Hittite Microwave Corp.’s products are found in numerous designs within the microwave radio, point-to-point/multipoint, VSAT and test equipment markets. In particular, the company’s microwave and millimeter-wave mixer ICs have been used to implement image reject mixer (IRM) and single sideband (SSB)...
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Detecting Fast RF Bursts Using Log Amps

Monolithic logarithmic amplifiers (log amps) can handle signals with dynamic ranges up to 100 dB. They are capable of responding to RF bursts that are as short in duration as a few tens of nanoseconds. However, when demodulating logarithmic amplifiers are used to detect fast RF bursts, strange tails...
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A Study of Transition Effects in Supercomponents

Highly dense supercomponents are the basic building blocks of every modern radar, EW or military communication systems. The demand for lower volume, lower weight and increased function has spurred developers to integrate more open-carrier devices withi...
Multifunction modules are built from many simpler building blocks. Each block can be in the form of an MMIC device, a discrete component or a hybrid device. These blocks are assembled next to each other and connected by transition lines. There are several disciplines for the assembly process. The...
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An Analog Predistortion Linearizer Design

In this article, a new type of analog predistortion linearizer is proposed to generate and control predistorted third and higher order intermodulation signals (IM) separately. By using predistorted signals, the intermodulation distortion signals genera...
In the past, voice transmission was the main issue in communications. However, new requirements have evolved from voice to data and mobile communications, which demand a larger amount of information and better quality. Because of these requirements, more complex modulation and demodulation schemes and broadband channel bandwidths are necessary...
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Design and Implementation of a Novel Frequency Modulation Circuit Using a Phase-locked Loop Synthesizer

A phase-locked loop (PLL) is widely used in frequency synthesizers for modern communication systems. However, frequency modulation (FM) of a PLL for the modulation rates used inside the loop bandwidth, is generally difficult. In this article, a novel b...
A phase-locked loop (PLL) is a popular method used in frequency synthesizers for most communication systems. 10 The block diagram of a common PLL synthesizer is shown in Figure 1 and includes a charge pump phase detector (PD), a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO), a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), an R...
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