RF & Microwave Industry News

picoChip Joins Femto Forum

picoChip has joined the Femto Forum, which supports and promotes femtocell deployment worldwide by bringing together the foremost femtocell equipment vendors with the major global mobile operators assessing the technology. The Forum is a not-for-profit membership organisation aimed at promoting the uptake of femtocell technologies through open standards, market...
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AT4 First to Qualify for Testing in Europe

Centro de Tecnología de las Comunicaciones S.A. (AT4 wireless), Spain, has obtained qualification for testing the new Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 802.11n draft 2.0 program of the Wi-Fi Alliance®. In the process, the Authorized Test Laboratory (ATL) of the Wi-Fi Alliance has become the only laboratory in Europe to be qualified...
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iSLI Graduates to Magnificent Seven

This year the Institute for System Level Integration (iSLI) boasted the single biggest group of graduating EngD students that the institute has had to date. Seven Research Engineers (RE) recently graduated with the Engineering Doctorate (EngD), a four-year PhD-level research degree funded by the UK electronics industry and the...
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