RF & Microwave Industry News

International Report

INTERNATIONAL REPORT Martin Streetly, International Correspondent UK Mobiles to Carry Radiation WarningsFollowing a year-long, government sponsored enquiry, the UK has decided to include a radiation level warning on all new mobile telephones from 2001 onwards and to leaflet users on the wisdom of children under 16 using such devices...
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Commercial Market

THE COMMERCIAL MARKET Lucent Technologies and Verizon Wireless Sign $1.5 B Letter of Intent Verizon Wireless and Lucent Technologies have signed a letter of intent potentially worth up to $1.5 B which names Lucent as a primary supplier of network infrastructure to the newly-formed wireless venture. The agreement will...
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THE BOOK END * Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method Dennis M. Sullivan IEEE Press 165 pages; $89.95 ISBN: 0-7803-4747-1 This book is not a theoretical explanation of finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) simulation. Instead its main purpose is to enable the reader to learn how to do three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation using...
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Broadband Power Amplifiers for 600 MHz to 4.5 GHz System Applications

A new line medium and high power broadband amplifiers with excellent linearity and moderate noise figures
PRODUCT FEATURES Broadband Power Amplifiers for 600 MHz to 4.5 GHz System Applications Aethercomm Inc. San Marcos, CA A new line of medium and high power broadband amplifiers has been introduced that covers the 600 MHz to 4.5 GHz frequency bands. All of the power amplifiers (PA) offer medium...
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A Low Loss HDI Dielectric for High Frequency Modules and PCBs

An introduction to Speedboard C, a new prepeg material for use as a bonding sheet in multilayer PCBs
PRODUCT FEATURES A Low Loss HDI Dielectric for High Frequency Modules and PCBs W.L. Gore & Associates Inc. Elkton, MD T he wireless telecommunications market continues to require denser circuitry and higher I/O count chip packages to meet ever growing performance requirements. These new requirements can only be satisfied...
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Control Products for Wireless and Broadband Applications

Discrete and GaAs IC components to lower costs and improve wireless and broadband performance are featured on this month's cover
COVER FEATURE Control Products for Wireless and Broadband Applications Alpha Industries Inc. Woburn, MA S witches, attenuators, directional detectors, phase shifters and other GaAs and silicon devices are shrinking dramatically as suppliers are challenged to develop new process and packaging techniques. Customers are demanding that new devices operate with...
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A complete listing of 2000 Microwave Journal articles organized by subject and indexed alphabetically by author
Special Reports EDITORIAL INDEX 2000 * VOLUME 43 ANTENNAS Collins, Brian S. "Polarization Diversity Antennas for Compact Base Stations," No. 1, p. 76. Collins, Brian S. "The Effect of Imperfect Antenna Cross-polar Performance on the Diversity Gain of a Polarization-diversity Receiving System," No. 4, p. 84. Liang, Xu and...
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RF and Hyper 2001 Technical Program

The technical program of RF & HYPER 2001, which will take place January 16-18, 2001 in Paris, France, as well as a list of exhibitors
Special Reports CNIT Paris la Défence from 16­18 January 2001 A conference dedicated to emerging technologies for the communications market For the first time, two of the world's leading technology magazines, Telecommunications ® and Microwave Journal, join together during RF & Hyper Europe 2001 to present a comprehensive industry...
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Behavioral Modeling of High Power Amplifiers Based on Measured Two-tone Transfer Characteristics

An accurate measurement and modeling technique for determining two-tone transfer characterisitcs of high power amplifiers
Technical Features Behavioral Modeling of High Power Amplifiers Based on Measured Two-tone Transfer Characteristics Youngoo Yang, Jaehyok Yi, Joongjin Nam and Bumman Kim Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Microwave Application Research Center Pohang University of Science and Technology Namku Pohang, Korea  Multi-stage high power amplifiers generally have...
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3D FEM and EM Simulations for DRFs

A high frequency structure simulator is used to compute the 3-D structure of a microwave dielectric resonator (DRF) in a rectangular metallic enclosure
Technical Feature 3D FEM and EM Simulations for DRFs Jwo-Shiun Sun Department of Electronic Engineering National Taipei University of Technology Taiwan, ROC Jier-Chih Hsieh Department of Engineering and System Science National Tsing Hua University Taiwan, ROC Three-dimensional (3D) fullwave analysis of a microwave dielectric resonator filter (DRF) in a...
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