RF & Microwave Industry News

Astrium and Avanti Launch Military and Government Ka-band Test-bed

Astrium Services is launching its military and government advanced Ka-band test-bed in cooperation with Avanti Communications, who will be providing the satellite bandwidth. Astrium Services has entered into a pioneering agreement with Avanti Communications to use transponder capacity for Ka-band tests on the soon to be launched Hylas 1...
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TiaLinx Announces Launch of Wearable, Hands-free Sense-Through-The-Wall Imager

TiaLinx Inc., a developer of miniaturized mm-wave radars with integrated radio and antenna arrays, recently announced the launch of the Eagle45-W, a hands-free precision Sense-Through-The-Wall Imager. The lightweight, ultra-wideband (UWB), multi-Gigahertz RF imager requires only limited use of hands and is operated through a miniaturized display. Through the software...
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Around the Circuit

Industry News Roger W. Sudbury , a longtime MIT Lincoln Laboratory staff member and dedicated IEEE volunteer, passed away on August 22, 2010. Joining Lincoln Labs in 1969 as a technical staff member researching solid-state devices for modern radars, he went on to become the Laboratory’s executive officer, serving...
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Effects of Single-tone Spurious Responses on Signals in ESM Receivers

This article presents the effects of spurious responses in ESM receivers used to geo-locate threat emitters. These spurs contaminate the measured values of phase and frequency of detected signals in the receivers, beyond the effect of receiver noise, c...
Electronic Support Measures (ESM) receivers geo-locate threat emitters by measurement of angle of arrival (AOA), time difference of arrival (TDOA) or frequency difference of arrival (FDOA). Errors in the measurement of phase and frequency may be contaminated, due to spurious responses that yield irresolvable errors. Phase Contamination Radar signals...
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Side Lobe Suppression of Printed Antenna Arrays for Integration with Microwave Circuits

Various factors that limit high side lobe suppression (SLS) in printed antenna arrays (PAA) have been analyzed in this article. A new type of linear printed antenna array, with pentagonal dipoles as radiating elements operating at a second resonance en...
Microwave printed antenna arrays (PAA) have various advantages over conventional antenna systems, due to their low cost, great reproducibility and the possibility of integration with other microwave circuits. Because of this, they are often used in telecommunication systems, such as indoor and outdoor wireless LANs, point-to-point and point-to-multipoint, and...
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