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Technical Feature Improvement of a Cassegrain Antenna by Secondary Surface Corrections Juan Eusebio Garrido Arenas, Alberto Barcia Cancio and Jose Manuel Paez Please click here to view the pdf file of the Technical Feature...
Around the Circuit INDUSTRY NEWS William C. Brown , a pioneer in microwave power transmission whose contributions to the field included work on the Apollo lander that sent televised images from the moon to the earth, died of cancer February 3 at his home in Waltham, MA. He was...
New Literature Surface-mount Device Catalog This eight-page catalog details surface-mount devices available in SOT-23, PZS, SMA and PLS packages, including zener, Schottky, switching and UHF diodes; bridge rectifiers; transistors; and junction FETS. Specifications and outline drawings are included. Electronic Devices Inc. (EDI), Yonkers, NY (914) 965-4400. Universal Power Meter...
Web Update Ultra-precision Substrates This Web site provides technical specifications for a broad range of substrate materials produced with exact repeatability consistency. The company's new generation of MicroFine substrates, featuring unsurpassed uniformity, are described. The site also details available precision lapping, polishing, laser machining, diamond sawing and edge grinding...
COMPONENTS Current-controlled Variable Attenuators The models AV101-12 and AV102-12 current-controlled variable attenuators (from the company's HIP3™ series components) cover the 0.8 to 1 GHz and 1.7 to 2 GHz ranges, respectively, and are designed to meet the wide dynamic range required in spread spectrum wireless base station applications. The...
ANTENNAS Dual-band Magnetic-mount Antennas The DRM series dual-band magnetic-mount antennas are designed for the mobile antenna marketplace. The DRM 1800 cellular/PCS antenna operates in the 824 to 894 MHz and 1.85 to 1.99 GHz frequencies. The DRM 1900 GSM/DCS antenna operates in the 870 to 960 MHz and 1.71...
AMPLIFIERS 1.2 - 1.4 GHz Power Amplifier The model CHA6013 single-stage high power amplifier delivers 31 dBm of output power with 12 dB of small-signal gain over the 1.2 to 1.4 GHz frequency range. The unit is available in chip form or flatpack package. United Monolithic Semiconductor SAS (UMS),...
DEVICES Power GaAs MESFETS The models NE960R575 and NE960R275 power GaAs MESFETS operate from 4 to 18 GHz for use in amplifier and oscillator applications. Specifications include a P1dB power output of 27.5 and 25 dBm (typ), linear gain of 9 and 10 dB (typ) and power-added efficiency of...
SOURCES IS-95 16-channel CDMA Source The Zebra series 16-channel CDMA source is designed to test power amplifiers for CDMA signals. Additional applications include IS-95 CDMA forward-channel simulation, adjacent-channel power ratio measurements and realistic characterization of power amplifiers per IS-97 specifications. Sixteen data-encoded CDMA channels are combined digitally with a...
TEST EQUIPMENT Waveform Simulator The model UCS500M/6 waveform simulator has been modified to accommodate anticipated higher voltage requirements for testing to IEC and EC standards for electromagnetic compatibility, household, industrial and medical electronics, and telecommunications requirements. In addition to surge, waveforms simulated by the unit include burst, power and...