RF & Microwave Industry News

A Brief Tutorial on Antenna Measurements

This article covers the basic concepts of antenna measurements, including definitions of the reactive near-field, radiating near-field and radiating far-field; primary antenna measurement parameters; and the various types of antenna measurements, including pattern, gain and polarization measurements. The most common types of measurement range configurations are detailed, including far-field...
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A Self-extinguishing Gas Capsule Protector

In modern society, electronic systems impact significantly on everyday life, for individuals, commerce, industry and the community as a whole. Their safe and reliable operation is generally taken for granted, as is the humble surge protector that plays such a vital role in maintaining transceiver structures and ensuring the...
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Multiradio Yields Challenges for Mobile Phones

Wireless technologies have developed in a way that can best be described as ‘unbelievable.’ Global mobile subscriptions rose to 1.7 billion in 2004 and the number continues to grow at a healthy pace. Furthermore, the production volumes of cellular phones are remarkable when compared to other consumer products —...
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A Size Reduction Technique for Mobile Phone PIFA Antennas Using Lumped Inductors

A size reduction technique for the planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is presented. An 18 nH lumped inductor is used in addition to a small 0.3 cm3 PIFA. The PIFA is located on dielectric foam, 5 mm above a 40 mm × 100 mm ground plane. It is possible to ...
The demand for smaller communication devices for personal communication systems has led to a constant search for methods to reduce the cellular phone dimensions. However, the wavelength does not decrease with the same speed as the size of the mobile phones due to the higher frequency bands used. Even...
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A Broadband Design for a Printed Isosceles Triangular Slot Antenna for Wireless Communications

Microstrip-line-fed, printed isosceles triangular slot antennas, with a small rectangular slot for broadband operation, are proposed and experimentally investigated. Both impedance and radiation characteristics of these antennas are studied. Experiment...
In present-day wireless communication equipment, the need for antennas of high efficiency has generated much interest in the study of microstrip antennas. These printed microstrip antennas exhibit a low profile and are lightweight. However, microstrip antennas have inherently narrow bandwidths and, in general, are half-wavelength structures, operating in the...
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Latest Advances in VNA Accuracy Enhancements

A vector network analyzer (VNA) measurement accuracy depends on the accuracy of the calibration standards, the calibration method employed and the instrumentation accuracy. Advances in signal processing technology, computation technology, manufacturing...
Calibration standards such as opens and shorts have traditionally been modeled by fitting the actual response of the standard to a third-order polynomial. 1 This approach has limitations as the frequency range of the standards increases. Multiple-band models for the same calibration standard were created in an effort to...
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New Products

New Waves: Communicatins/Wireless Apllications
Enhanced Wireless Network Simulator Software This wireless network simulator (WNS) software enhances the functions of the MD8470A signaling tester — a base station simulator for mobile terminal application software development and verification. It establishes interactive operation between the MD8470A and a W-CDMA or GSM/GPRS mobile terminal and simplifies the...
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