At one time, linear systems and components were designed using a patchwork of instrumentation and measurements. This approach was quickly replaced by scattering parameters (S-parameters), which unified the multiple instruments and measurements and enabled just one instrument, the network analyzer, to make measurements like gain, isolation and match with a single connection. For more than 40 years, S-parameters have stood as one of the most important of all the foundations of microwave theory and techniques. They are related to familiar measurements such as S11 input match, S22 output match, S21 gain/loss, and S12 isolation, and can be easily imported into electronic simulation tools. Today, S-parameters are commonly used to analyze and model the linear behavior of RF and microwave components. Unfortunately, current industry trends toward increasing energy efficiency, higher output power and longer battery life are forcing many linear devices to operate in a nonlinear fashion. Measuring this behavior requires a solution that is much more deterministic in nature.
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